
Shabbat Leadership


Rabbi Schusterman


January 19, 2024


Challenges, Holidays, Israel

Above all else, the Rebbe was our Moses.

Each generation has a Moses. Each generation's needs are different from the others, and each unique Moses provides the guidance and leadership for his particular generation.

The Rebbe's leadership from the beginning on the 10th of Shvat in 1951 (which we mark and commemorate this Shabbat) was about empowerment of others. Every interaction was about how he could inspire the person in front of him to grow personally and take that growth and impact others.

This continued unabated in various formats up until the Rebbe's illness in 1992. Not long prior to his illness the Rebbe spoke publicly about passing the leadership to the individual.

Last night we had the privilege, honor and actually I have no words to describe the awe I have for this young 21 year old IDF commander. In truth I'm in awe of every Israel soldier who the Rebbe called a Tzadik a righteous individual. Yossi Bluming is also a Chabad Chasid and grew up a son of Shluchim - emissaries.

In his absolute devotion to Israel, to his soldiers, to the IDF with realism and respect, his empowerment as a follower of the Rebbe (remember he was born almost 10 years after the Rebbe's passing) comes through. It's worth a listen.

These weeks we read of Moshe and the prototype of leadership. Some of those qualities that leaders have and that we can download from the Parsha and that are desperately needed today more than ever are;

Humility - doing what is right because that is what's asked of us. To remove our own obsession with having everything figured out and just showing up and doing what is needed.

Courage - to not listen to the voices of our insecurity or of those around us that tell us we are not good enough or worthy enough to show up and lead.

Faith - to believe that we are empowered with all the tools that we can possibly need to fulfill our unique purpose on this earth

Bold - to make the decision and act on it. (I've heard it said that leadership is not about making the right decisions but making decisions. Not to get paralyzed.) (There are many more attributes of leadership that we are called upon to exercise. These are the ones that come to mind for me right now. Which are yours?)

As we enter into this Shabbat, a Shabbat that perhaps can be called Shabbat Leadership, let us express gratitude for the leadership that Rebbe demonstrated for us and our generation. Let us dig deep and uncover our own leadership and embrace our unique mission on this earth. The world needs YOU, and the world needs YOU more than ever. Embrace it!

Chazak Chazak Vinischazek!

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