
Downloading The Temple


Rabbi Schusterman


July 7, 2023


Change, Lifestyle, Rebbe

How did we download before download? 🤨
copy (data) from one computer system to another, typically over the internet.
Oxford Dictionary
In the times of the Beis Hamikdash, in order to download Divine energy relevant to various life events one brought a specific sacrifice using very specific code.  For a sin atonement one brought and followed a specific process that was different than the offering of gratitude for being saved from a life threatening illness that was different than the energy needed for the Shabbos or holidays.
If we see the movement of Divine energy as a download then it may be easier to understand how in non Temple times we are able to use different systems to download the same energy.
For example; our Sages say that prayer is in place of sacrifice.  When we offer up the “service of our lips” we accomplish the same download albeit with a different system.
Yesterday the 17th of Tammuz, we entered into the three week period that commemorates the destruction of the Temples.  During this period we do what we can to initiate the 3rd Temple Download!
One of the download methods is using the Torah Study operating system.  The study of ideas surrounding the past and future Batay Mikdash (Heb. for plural temples) is the download method available these days.   
Hopefully very soon there will be another download method, they’re calling it “Temple Descend” and “Moshiach Now”.
Until then see what you can discover and study here to begin the download.
Have a great Shabbos!

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