I remember the Rebbe once bemoaning the state of Jewish peoples disconnect from the realities of the active role that Hashem plays in the world. The Rebbe said something to this effect; “Can you blame them, they are Golus Kinder, they are exile children.” Born into a world of exile, how can we know anything else?
Everything is sourced in Torah. Where do we find Esther in the Torah (The Talmud asks)? From the verse that says, “I will surely hide my face on that day”. Literally the verse reads, I will hide the hiddenness.
Here is how it works: There are concealments and facades. They’re good as they allow for us to function. Eg. A body allows for us to survive in this physical reality. Coping mechanisms help us cope, well, cope. But when the concealments and facades become the objective, or when the coping mechanisms become the normal, then we have lost the plot.
Purim is a day when in the plot the truth is revealed. The facade was hiding the truth. The truth being that G-d loves the Jewish People and will never abandon us no matter how far we stray, no matter how dark the day.
The Torah tells us that Esther is about G-d hiding the hiddenness. If you hide the hiddenness what you are left with is the truth. G-d is exposed.
On this day of Purim as we transcend the limitations of this world, we plug into our own essence and our own truth that transcends all of the facades. It’s time to let our true colors shine!
Happy Purim and Good Shabbos!