
Repairing with G-d


Rabbi Schusterman


August 10, 2023


Challenges, Freedom, Healing, Inspiration, Lifestyle

There are water relationships and fire relationships.  Water relationships are free flowing and more passive.  They work. For some. But there is also usually not a lot of depth in those relationships.
Fire relationships are, well, fiery! They are up and down, volatile at times, fight like mad, but also love like mad. They are deep and very tough.
Important and worthwhile relationships are like the fire ones.  
What type of relationship do you have with Hashem?  Is it passive or fiery?
A successful relationship is not one that figures out how NOT to have the ups and downs. That’s the nature of two people coming together.  
A successful relationship is one that figures out how to repair more quickly and not let the ups and downs be as intense.
It always requires one or the other partner to step forward and make the first move. It does require the one who is less in their fight or flight to step up and make the move towards repair. 
This Shabbos we bless the month of Elul, the last month of the Jewish year and the month of preparation for the Rosh Hashanah.  
Our relationship with Hashem may have been non existent, passive like water or volatile like fire.  It’s time for repair.
Here is the good news; Hashem is making the first move.  The Baal Shem Tov says that Elul (acronym for Ani Lidodi Vidodi Li – I am to my beloved and my beloved is to me) Hashem is likened to a King that goes out to His people and greets them with a smiling countenance and welcomes their requests.
Let’s “repair” our relationship with Hashem.   Repair in this instance doesn’t necessarily mean something is broken, it means there is more to the relationship that we haven’t accessed.
The time is Elul, the place is the field, the repair is reflection and contemplation about the state of our relationships and resolve to get closer during the coming year through, prayer, Mitzvah and connection.
Shana Tova and Shabbat Shalom!

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