
A Felt Shavous Experience


Rabbi Schusterman


May 24, 2023


Faith, Holidays, Inspiration, Lifestyle

This Friday/Shabbos is the holiday of Shavous.  It is the day we commemorate and relive the Revelation at Sinai and the day the Jewish People, our People became Hashem’s special nation.
As today’s science is evolving and accelerating, we are learning about the delicate inner workings of our body, our emotional system and it’s relationship to our soul and living a healthy life. 
We have the power today to bring healing, positive energy and holy energy into our bodies.  This positive energy can re-create a foundation for a healthy life, empower connection to a life of meaning and anchor us in a power that will hold us up and above in times of challenge.
This year let Shavous be a felt experience.  The tasty food on Thursday night, the energy of late night Torah study, the eeriness of early morning prayers, the feeling of satisfaction after a delicious dairy brunch, or come in the afternoon for a cold ice cream running down your throat, the sensory experience of the reenactment of Sinai, plus kiddush, chicken soup and Challah as we welcome Shabbos in.
At Chabad we make Judaism fun while at the same time bringing the richness or our tradition to the experience.
Please bring your friends, your kids, even infants to the Shavous festivities this Thursday/Friday.
Have a wonderful holiday and Shabbos!

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