
The Kings Road


Chabad Intown


June 20, 2018


leader, Lifestyle, Moses, Rebbe, Tammuz

This Shabbos is sandwiched between two very important days on the Chabad calendar. The 3rd of Tammuz – the anniversary of the passing of the Rebbe and the 12/13th of Tammuz – the anniversary of the liberation from the sentences of death and exile of the previous Rebbe from Soviet Prison.


As mentioned in last week’s article (Korach in Time) there are energies associated with the days of the Jewish calendar and the events that transpired on them.


The energy of these two days and these two great Jewish leaders is captured by a short phrase in this week’s Torah portion. In approaching the king of Edom and requesting permission to pass through their land, Moses uses the phrase “Biderech Hamelech Neilech – on the King’s Road we will go”.


The Previous Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson and the Rebbe were unique in that they connected to the truth of the Jew – Jews are a nation of Priests, a nation of princes, a nation of minister of the Almighty!


They lived their lives, their interactions with those who embraced this truth and the truth of Torah as well as those who denied it or who chose to challenge it with the same degree of royalty. Wherever they went they were on the King’s road.


This Jewish pride was and is the secret to the previous Rebbe’s survival of the Soviets and the Rebbe’s success and reviving Judaism.


Today in 2018, it is our job to reconnect with the message of Moses and the Rebbe’s to go on the King’s Road. For us to succeed in battling the darkness around us and the hate around us we must stand strong and committed to our strong Jewish values and the pride of being Jewish – without intimidation.


It is with this pride and an upheld head that we will succeed as the Rebbe did in surviving the Soviet and reviving Judaism in the ashes of the Holocaust.


This Shabbos, please think about ways you can increase your public expression of your Jewish pride and connection to all that is good and holy.


Have a great uplifting Shabbos!

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