Shul at Chabad Intown
Experience Shabbat at Chabad Intown

Imagine worshiping in an atmosphere of total acceptance, where you are welcome, in fact encouraged, to ask questions, and where you are implored to be as nonjudgmental of your neighbor as he or she is of you… Services are traditional and conducted primarily in Hebrew, with select readings in English. In reality each individual among us knows how he or she best communicates with G-d. At Chabad the language you use or the pace you set for yourself are not of paramount importance. Our prayer books are written in both Hebrew and English, and the page numbers are announced continuously so you may always catch up if you prefer to meditate at a slower speed. Connect with the day and with G-d and with your own soul in whatever personal manner suits you best. The tunes are old, familiar ones, and they are sung by those of us who know the words and by those of us who can only hum along, with all the gusto befitting the joy of the Sabbath.
Unforgettable and fulfilling Shabbat services

At Chabad Intown the services are traditional, and are conducted in a joyous, casual atmosphere. Many of those who attend cannot read Hebrew, yet everyone feels at home. The prayer book is bi-lingual and various English readings are included in the service. Song and commentary add meaning and participation to the prayers. Children are included and most welcome.
Enjoy Kiddush at Chabad Intown

A Kiddush is a festive, informal catered buffet enjoyed at the conclusion of morning services on Shabbat and holidays. Celebrate a birthday, anniversary, or other special occasion, or commemorate the Yahrzeit of a loved one, by sponsoring a Kiddush! Co-sponsor option is available.
Get a reminder from Chabad Intown

The anniversary of a loved one's passing is a time to honor his or her memory by reciting the kaddish prayer, giving extra charity and learning Torah. Get a reminder from Chabad Intown!
Other Daily And Shabbat Services
Can't make it to Chabad Intown?

Daily and Shabbat services are also available at the following shuls. Please contact them directly for more information.

Other Daily And Shabbat Services
Can’t make it to Chabad Intown?

Daily and Shabbat services are also available at the following shuls. Please contact them directly for more information. Read more