
Google’s Temple


Chabad Intown


August 10, 2016


Moshiach, Three Weeks,

It’s well known that Google is data driven. When the brains at Google sit down to discuss new products they have rules of engagement. Essentially, there are no opinions only facts supported by data. If you can bring proof from data you can move forward with your product development, if not then it’s out. There are no heated passionate discussions of personal opinions because it’s all about the facts.


A breath of fresh air. No politics. No defensiveness.


Wouldn’t it be nice if the facts spoke for themselves? Always!


This Shabbos we commemorate the 9th of Av the day that both of the Temple’s in Jerusalem were destroyed. Since it is Shabbos we will fast beginning at Sundown on Shabbos afternoon until nightfall on Sunday.


What areĀ weĀ memorializing? The stones of the Temple? The sacrifices that were brought? Perhaps, there is something more profound and more relevant that we are remembering with the hopes and prayers of its restoration.


It’s the raw truth, without defensiveness, without politics – the Google Temple!


When the Temple stood there was a truth that pervaded Jewish society. Although particularly in the second Temple era this truth was somewhat concealed it was still there and known to all.


However, our wishes and prayer is for the third Beis Hamikdash, the third Temple and the coming of Moshiach. We yearn for this more and more each day because each day the darkness, politics, divisiveness and defensiveness becomes more and more prevalent. We need the truth of the era of Moshaich more and more each day.


This Shabbos and Sunday as we remember the sad times of the past, let’s pray for a better time, a time of truth and peace for all. Let’s begin at home and in our own little world with a little more truth and a little less of the other stuff.

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