
Enough is not enough


Rabbi Schusterman


November 14, 2019


How much is enough? When can you or I say, I’ve done my part, now let me focus on me? A relevant question in our modern times.

It’s a question we can ask when doing for our loved ones, for our community and for the stranger.

We find an answer to this question in a well known story recorded at the opening of this week’s Parsha.

Abraham is sitting on the third day after his bris purportedly the most difficult day of recovery, at the entrance of his tent waiting for passerby’s so he can welcome guests in.

Indeed, Hashem sends 3 angels dressed as men and Abraham serves them. The focus of the Torah at this point is on the menu the angels were served, the activities that Abraham engaged in to make sure the guests were comfortable and the conversation they had over dinner (or was it lunch).

All of this on the third day of his bris and a man of 99 years of age!!!

When is enough? Abraham teaches us through his actions that as long as you still have the ability to make an impact, to help another, we ought to continue doing so.  

Hashem put each of us on this earth to make a difference, to make the world a more G-dly and goodly place. As long as we are here, Hashem is telling us that we have more to accomplish.

Good Shabbos!

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