
Purim Stream of Consciousness


Rabbi Schusterman


March 8, 2024


Challenges, Holidays, Israel

My mind wanders. I have a recurring day thought. I envision myself in ancient Persia in the story of Purim. I'm one of the Jews subjected to the decree that has been sent out spelling the demise of our People.

Rumor has it that the Queen is Jewish. But no one talks about it. Could she save us? We know that Rabbi Mordechai is a very holy and dedicated man. Could he save us? We've been told that our People are destined for this kind of hatred. We've been there before, remember Egypt. It's been less than 1000 years since those miracles and it's been an up and down journey ever since.

We've had wars, kings, kingdoms, destruction, massacres, so in a sense there is nothing new. Well this time around they want to eliminate all of us! And the King is quite powerful, AND it seems like everybody, all the nations of the world, all the governing bodies and opinion sayers, are all on board this time.

Is there hope?

All of these thoughts swirl around in my head, but my heart, my soul knows otherwise. Painful as it is, lonely as it is, we are Hashem's chosen people. The mass of humanity around me that thinks otherwise, will never know this feeling. This feeling of being connected to a truth that transcends all of the darkness and lies around me.

This truth is what connects me to my brothers and sisters across the king's 127 lands. I never met 99.999 percent of them, but we are inextricably bound. Regardless of their countries culture and language, regardless of their skin color or other cultural or national distinctions, they are my fellow Jews. When I have met them, I have known immediately that we are one.

I may not agree with all of their religious or political views, but there is something that binds me and them, to the extent that I would risk my life to save them. I know that this connection is part of our secret of survival.

So, I'll go to the rally Rabbi Mordechai called tomorrow and pray together with my fellow Jews. I'll nurture the awakening I've had since this decree was first announced, and I'll lean in to my trust that Hashem will save us; I'm not sure how, but He's the big Boss in Heaven and I know He'll figure it out.

Good Shabbos!

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