
What Language Do You Speak?


Rabbi Schusterman


January 16, 2020


“He spoke as the Lord commanded him”. Moshe spoke in Hebrew when he spoke to Pharaoh. This is the way of the righteous, to fulfill their mission to the letter of the law. 

It also teaches us that despite Moshe’s speech impediment he spoke his message with strength.  

We live in a time where people lack a strong core and so their words come out incoherent or at least unclear. Weak and wavering. Perhaps we are not confident of our mission or perhaps we are not sure of our true values.

And what of our Jewish People? Do we have a strong voice? Are we confident with who we are?

Let us learn from Moshe and root ourselves in our mission, the one that G-d gave to our People. To be a light unto the nations. To embrace our Jewish identity with pride, to speak it strong, to speak it clear, to speak it unwaveringly “as the Lord has commanded”.

Good Shabbos!

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