What does the Rebbe want from me?
Rabbi Schusterman
June 9, 2021
3 Tammuz, Challenges, Faith, Rebbe
What did the Rebbe want from me? This Sunday commemorates 27 years since the Rebbe’s passing. Considering that the Rebbe’s vision is being realized more and more each year, it is pushing me to reflect on what the Rebbe wants from me? What is it that the Rebbe saw in me that I’m not seeing in myself? What is it that the Rebbe saw in our world that I may be missing?
Korach the villain of our Torah portion is epitomized as the classic rabble rouser. “And do not be like Korach and his congregation”.
The Rebbe in his eternal love for everyone and positive view of the world challenges the notion that Korach was all bad. After all, a Torah portion is named for him.
The commentators as well as the Rebbe elaborate at length as to what Korach really wanted. What was his inner desire and for that matter the rest of his congregation? It was to experience Divine closeness just like Aaron the High Priest. While prohibited in practice, it is emulatable in concept. We should all strive to seek a higher spiritual station than we currently have attained.
I want to zoom out and focus on the messaging for us.
Here was an individual that regardless of his intentions challenged Moses. He couldn’t wrap his head around Moses. But instead of finding fault with his inability to see the world as it was seen by Moses he challenged it in a distrusting way. He didn’t seek to know the truth, he sought to push his agenda.
When Moshe heard Hashem’s instruction to move away from Korach, so He could consume him and his congregation, the Torah tells us that Moshe fell on his face.
Let’s put it in plain english; Moshe falls on the floor in exasperation, “I’ve been leading you for many years, I’ve shown you Hashem’s miracles, what is it going to take for you to realize how powerful you are?!”
I never doubted the Rebbe’s overall vision. But, to see the results challenges me to think about if I have believed enough and if I’ve done enough.
I hear the Rebbe with love saying to me, “I’ve led you, I’ve taught you, are you paying attention? It’s on you Schusterman to get the job done! Make sure you are bringing the awareness of Hashem into your own life. Make sure you are integrating the true existence of Hashem in your environment to be more visible. Make sure you are being the best example for those around you.”
Today we are all leaders. Today we are all called upon to lead like never before. The world is asking for it. Am I giving it?
With blessings,
Rabbi Eliyahu Schusterman
Events connected with 3 Tammuz, the Rebbe’s Yahrzeit
This Shabbos a special kiddush luncheon with stories and songs and inspiration
Sunday morning 7:45 AM – The Rebbe’s Teachings with Rabbi Eliyahu Schusterman
Sunday morning 8:30 – 9:00 AM – Tefillin Wrap
Sunday morning 9:00 AM – Bagel, cream cheese, lox breakfast
Sunday evening 6:30 PM – The Rebbe – An Evening of Inspiration, stories to stir the soul.

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