Traffic Jam Alert
Rabbi Schusterman
February 4, 2021
Challenges, Change, Inspiration, Rebbe
In these quiet days of Covid, infamous Atlanta traffic has become much quieter. The occasional traffic inconvenience however, pokes the sleeping trauma of earlier bumper to bumper days and perhaps easier times. “Oh, if only we could be stuck in traffic again”.
One of my favorite stories worth recounting today, on the anniversary of the passing of the Rebbe’s wife, Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka is connected with traffic jams.
On one occasion, the usually flowing Ocean Parkway (one of Brooklyn’s main thoroughfares) was construction challenged. The Rebbetzin’s driver detoured to the service lane. While waiting for a traffic signal, she noticed an eviction taking place in one of the well known Brooklyn apartment complexes. The elderly Russian immigrant was standing on the street in tears watching the officers doing their job.
The Rebbetzin asked her driver to find out what was going on. Upon learning that this was an eviction, she confirmed that if the money owed was paid, they would allow the Russian immigrant to return to her apartment. She then proceeded to write a large check to cover the cost and then instructed the driver to continue on their trip.
The driver asked the Rebbetzin why she did such a generous act. The Rebbetzin replied with a story.
When I was a younger child, I would walk regularly with my father (the 6th Lubavitcher Rebbe). One day we began our walk on a usual path and there was some construction taking place. We detoured and then my father shared with me the idea that everything that happens in our lives is by Divine structure. When one has a usual pattern and something outside of their control interrupts it, it is G-d’s way of saying, “opportunity ahead. Keep your eyes open and don’t miss it”.
Today when detouring from the main road I understood that there was an opportunity to be had. My eyes were open and the opportunity presented itself. I had to act.
These days there has been a big detour to the normal flow of life. Our lives and structures have been disrupted. While highly inconvenient at times, it is also G-d’s way of saying that there is some personal and perhaps global opportunity ahead.
Let’s keep our eyes open and we won’t miss it!
Have a great Shabbos!
To learn more about the Rebbetzin, please visit this website.

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