
The Inner Work


Rabbi Schusterman


May 17, 2024


Change, Freedom, Moshiach, Passover, Prayer, Rebuilding

This week I had a difficult discussion with a colleague. I walked away from the conversation sad for my colleague and also not feeling great with how I showed up for that indvidual. (Perhaps the two are tied together.)

I realized that for me the question is how can I shine in my interactions, with family, with friends, with anyone for that matter?

Here is what I came up with; I can succeed in any conversation if I show up and communicate as if I had all the inner confidence and was completely secure with myself and my self worth AND fully compassionate and empathetic towards the other.

The reality is that no one has 100% appreciation of their self worth nor can someone show up 100% compassionate. Nonetheless, as long as we are growing in that direction we're going to show up pretty darn good in our interactions.

The opening of this week's Parsha goes as follows;

“Speak to the kohanim, the sons of Aaron,” says G‑d to Moses in the Parshah of Emor, “and say to them . . .”

“Speak” and “say”—enjoin the elders regarding the youngsters.

In Hebrew the word for "enjoin" (which means to instruct or urge someone) is Lihazhir which also translates as "to shine".

In simple English, if we want to influence the youngsters we need to shine. Lovingly and with self confidence.

The Torah is talking to me; keep shining, keep working at the inner self worth (on account of my soul's inherent value) and keep showing up with a big heart.

Good Shabbos!

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