
The Belt, The Shoe and The Stick


Chabad Intown


January 9, 2019


Challenges, Change, Freedom, Lifestyle

They looked for it in the 60’s, the 70’s and in our own way we are looking for it in the 2010’s. It is liberation!


We are looking to be freed from all external constraints. In essence our soul is calling out to us to be freed so we can connect with our truest purpose.


This expedition into freedom and liberation is not reserved for the Passover Seder. In fact, it is every day that one must see oneself as if they are going out of Egypt each and every day.


We look to the specifics from that ancient journey to truly identify what areas of our lives require liberation and how to approach them.


The Jewish People prior to the Exodus were instructed to prepare the Passover offering and to eat it with their hips girded, shoes on their feet and stick in hand.


These three represent three dimensions to our lives;


1. Ourselves, represented by the hips bing girded. This means that we must be liberated from ourselves and ultimately be above it to influence and not be influenced.


2. Our connection with our immediate environment, represented by shoes on the feet meaning the places we go, the people we see, the things we interact with. This means that we must be liberated from being influenced by these things in any kind of negative manner and on the contrary to be there to assist others in their journey and to uncover the G-dliness and the liberated spark within them.


3. Our connection with our distant environment. Things that we don’t naturally interact with. Represented by the stick which we use to help us get to places that are distant. This means that we must be open to opportunities to influence the world and bring liberation that may be outside of our immediate area, even if at times it means we must leave our comfort zone physically (to travel far), emotionally (even if it is uncomfortable) and psychologically or intellectually, (even if we think differently).


Embracing these three dimensions ensures that we achieve true freedom and liberation in all aspects of our lives.

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