

A Kiddush is a festive, informal catered buffet enjoyed at the conclusion of morning services on Shabbat and holidays.Celebrate a birthday, anniversary, or other special occasion, or commemorate the Yahrzheit of a loved one, by sponsoring a Kiddush! Co-sponsor option is available. Holidays and special events: Call for information.
2019-20 Kiddush Calendar

Kiddush Options

    • Cholent
    • Challah Rolls
    • Hummus
    • Egg salad
    • Kugel
    • Green Salad
    • Seltzer Water
    • Paper Goods

    • Cholent
    • Rolls
    • Hummus
    • Egg Salad
    • Kugel
    • Green Salad
    • Pasta Salad
    • Asst Deli Meat Platter
    • Veggie Tray & Dip
    • Fruit Platter OR Pastries
    • Seltzer Water
    • Paper Goods