

Oct 24 2018

The Language of Torah

G-d approaches Abraham after his bris and presents the pending destruction of Sodom and Gemorah to him. "And the Lord said, "Shall I conceal from Abraham what I am doing?" After all, I am going to make him into a great nation and this land I will give to his inheritors. How can I destroy it without letting him know.   (Indeed, a fascinating defense motion is put into place by Abraham who argues for salvation for the people of Sodom and Gemorah with the hope that there are some righteous people...

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Oct 29 2015

Get out of the way and let G-d in!

Has G-d ever spoken to you? Have you ever seen G-d? Phew. I was going to have to be more careful around you.   Seriously though, have you ever seen the how G-d helped you out of a situation? Isn't that a form of G-d speaking to you?   Have you ever driven up to the GA mountains this time of year and seen the beauty of the Fall? The endless colors of leaves? Isn't that a form of seeing G-d?   The opening of this weeks Portion we see Abraham in conversation with G-d when the...

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