

Jul 04 2019

A False World or A Beautiful Garden

Two brothers, same family, one is a sweetheart the other is a psychopathic rapist and murderer. How does that happen?   In his book “The Boy Who was Raised as a Dog” the author Bruce Perry, explains that the mother of this family was somewhat stunted in her mental development. The older son was raised surrounded by family, uncles and aunts and thus as a baby and child he received nurture that developed all of the healthy brain wiring needed for productive healthy relationships. Although the mother wasn’t able to provide this...

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Oct 31 2018

Tears In Heaven

People have called me to cry, and get guidance about this week’s massacre in Pittsburgh. I don’t have a clue about G-d and His ways, but if I had to imagine how things look in heaven, they might look something like this.   ***   I am standing behind a white curtain, that is shielding an incredibly bright light. So bright, that while the curtain is blocking the direct impact, I can still feel the reverberations of the energy from behind that curtain. I can feel the heat of the light. It is so...

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Apr 11 2018


After you've read the books, the blogs, listened to the preachers and teachers, the bottom line when it comes to parenting rests on one second or two. It's the pause that allows you to not react to the situation but incorporate some of the teachings and practices you've read about.   After you've listened to your coach, read the self help book, done the meditation, the bottom line when it comes to effectively managing your employees, getting along with your mother, controlling your impulses, rests on one second or two. It's the...

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Nov 22 2017

Stay in Your Lane!

Much of life is analogous to a road or journey. As the traveler, we move along, sometimes fast—sometimes slow, as we trek this thing called life. Perhaps some see it as Ralph Waldo Emerson did: “life is about the journey, not the destination.”   Educating children is also compared to a journey, according to the teachings of Proverbs. l’naar al pi darko: “Educate a child according to his/her way, so that even when he grows old he will not turn away from it.”   “Way” indicates a pathway. A road. A journey. This...

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Oct 19 2017

Living in Anticipation

Some people live from anticipation to anticipation. As soon as one anticipated event or milestone is reached the next one is on the horizon. It may be 1 month or 6 months away, but the anticipation of that next destination keeps the person going.   Being fully present is difficult, living in the present is a challenge. Yes, Chabad philosophy in particular emphasizes the need to be present in everything we do. It is a value par excellence.   The first Chabad Rebbe taught us this value in the context of these Torah portions....

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Apr 28 2017

If I Were a Rich Man

Although there is a disproportionate number of wealthy people vs. those in poverty, the world overall and the Jewish People in particular are in a better material state then we were a century or two ago.   Various religions have varying opinions on the virtue of wealth.   It seems at first glance from the Mishna in Pirkey Avos - Ethics of our Fathers, which we study these weeks between Passover and Shavous (1 chapter per week) that perhaps wealth is not such a virtuous pursuit. The Mishna 2:7 first states "one who increases...

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Apr 19 2017

Now what?!

There are of course varying levels of Passover observance. If you observe even some basics such as two Passover Seders and not eating bread or leaven for eight days you may be breathing a sigh of relief at this time.   Like everything in life however, the sigh of relief carries a loss with it. There is something nice about the discipline of not eating bread and the commitment to a specific behavior or action for the eight days. So with the loss of that specific discipline you may be feeling a...

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Mar 29 2017


Passover has taken the world by storm. Every retailer is getting into the business. Costco and others now sell Shmura Matzah (the handmade round matzah guarded from the time of harvesting from possible moisture - in short the best most kosher Matzah)!   Jews now observe Passover more than any other holiday on the Jewish calendar.   But it wasn't always that way. The comfort threshold for this Jewish observance has been moved or possibly re-moved. But it isn't that way necessarily with other Mitzvos and observances. And for good reason.   Doing Jewish...

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Mar 08 2017


Do you feel empowered? Do you feel like you can do anything, achieve any goal, have the rights and ability to climb the highest heights?   Not everybody is so fortunate to feel that kind of empowerment and the history of the world has shown that society often doesn't lend itself to that kind of empowerment.   3329 years ago, Moses empowered the Jewish people for all time. He empowered them through the instruction to build the Mishkan (the portable Temple) and in doing so to make a home for G-d on this earth....

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