

Jul 18 2019

Self Awareness Journey

Shame prevents vulnerability. Honest self awareness helps us overcome shame. Lack of vulnerability causes aggressive behavior.   Bilaam was insecure or had shame surrounding his standing with the Balak the King of Moab. When Hashem was standing him up and compelling him to face his own darkness he was unwilling to get vulnerable.   When the donkey refused to budge, Bilaam gets angry and says to the donkey, if I had a sword in hand I'd kill you. Why the aggressiveness towards a donkey? Rashi teaches us that Bilaam was ashamed of how he...

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Dec 05 2018

Half Full?

Some people wait for the other shoe to drop. Which reminds me of the story;   A guest who checked into an inn one night was warned to be quiet because the guest in the room next to his was a light sleeper. As he undressed for bed, he dropped one shoe, which, sure enough, awakened the other guest. He managed to get the other shoe off in silence, and got into bed. An hour later, he heard a pounding on the wall and a shout: "When are you going to drop...

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May 09 2018

Farming the Future

When we were your age we used to walk up hill to school - both ways! Adults are always bemoaning the good old days. The way it used to be was better, people were more polite, more respectful, more this and more that.   This phenomena has been around for generations.   It can potentially affect our collective generational self esteem. How can we do something if we are less than them? If we are not as good as them?   In the opening of the first of this week's two Torah portions we read about...

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Jun 29 2016

The Shadow

Ever feel overwhelmed by a situation, feeling powerless to overcome it? What gives power to anything to negatively or positively affect another?   In this weeks Torah portion the leaders of the Tribes spy out the Land of Israel and bring back a negative report saying that it will be too difficult to conquer the land. Caleb silences the Jewish People and ensures them with G-d's help they will succeed. He says; "they are our bread, remove the shadow from upon them and G-d is with us, do not be afraid".   The Baal...

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