

May 11 2016


Love thy neighbor as thyself. This Biblical commandment comes from this weeks Torah portion. Perhaps the hardest of all the commandments, hence Hillel’s statement, “this is the entire Torah and the rest is commentary”.   But how indeed does one achieve this very difficult Mitzvah?   Like all other Mitzvos and like life itself it’s a journey with the journey itself the purpose not necessarily the destination.   Loving another can only happen when one appreciates the essential and eternal dimensions of the other person. The external things that generally attract us to love and friendship...

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Mar 16 2016

The Hardest Word

There is a cute book that often surfaces around the High Holiday season called the Hardest Word. It's a kids book although it might as well be a book for adults as well and the hardest word is; Sorry.In this weeks Torah portion we open the third book of the Torah, the book of Leviticus, Vayikra. In it we read about the sacrifices that were offered in the Mishkan and later in the Bais Hamikdash (the Temple in Jerusalem).   Although, the Bais Hamikdash no longer stands, we still have the spiritual...

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Mar 02 2016

How much is too much?

Well with Purim around the corner you might think that question would simply be answered; “until one can’t tell the different between blessed is Mordechai and cursed is Haman”. But actually my question is; how much is too much?   The Megillah tells us the details of the great feast that the King Achashvairosh made to celebrate his kingdom; …the king made a seven-day feast in the courtyard of the king's palace garden, for all the people in Shushan the capital, nobleman and commoner alike. There were hangings of white, green and blue,...

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Jan 08 2016

How do you know G-d?

What kind of relationship do you have with the Almighty? Relationship, you might ask? How do I, Mr. or Mrs. Human Being have a relationship with G-D?  He is Almighty and Infinite!   For starters let me assure you that you do have a relationship.  When something is not going right or when you see something amazing don’t you naturally exclaim “oh, my G-d”? Chasidic thought tell us that this natural reaction is an expression of the inherent relationship we have with Gd.  On a deeper level, inside each of us is...

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