

Jul 10 2019

Red Cow Power!

We all have one or two of those people in our lives, the ones who we really feel are beyond hope. No matter what we do for them or how we do it, nothing seems to work. Worse, they don't get the message that we can't help them. Is it mental illness? Addiction? Narcissism?   Is all hope lost?   Before I address that question, let me pose another one.   Do you know that person who many years ago you wrote off as hopeless? Never standing a chance at making it. Will probably have a...

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Apr 02 2019

Qualifications of a good marriage counselor and some marriage advice

Turn it over and turn it over because everything is there - Mishna Ethics of our Fathers   This week's Torah portion tells us how to find a good marriage counselor.   (BTW this advice can be used for any meaningful relationship.)   In this week's Torah portion we are introduced to the laws of Tzaras. Tzaras was an affliction that may have appeared to look like leprosy but it was a spiritual skin discoloration intended to be a wake up call.   The Torah has a number of requirements for diagnosing this ailment. Here are some of...

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Oct 10 2018

Raging Waters/Hurricane Michael

I was wondering why this week's Torah portion tells the story of Noah in such great detail (5 plus sections of the Parsha), while the story of creation is told in just a few verses (one plus section).   Although the following conclusion is not based on a particular source, the main point is taught extensively in mystical teachings.   Perhaps the reason for this disparity is that creation represents arrival into this world which is an important event to be sure, but one that takes up a mere fraction of our lives. On...

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Aug 02 2018

Forgive Yourself – Accept Yourself

Maybe I’m projecting, but I notice people around me that overall seem happy. They seem like easy going people, but, they also seem to be carrying a lot around with them. And I’m not talking about a few extra pounds. There seems to be a package of sorts (or peckel in Yiddish) of troubles, anxiety, a burden, a weight.   Come to think of it, there are very few people who don’t carry a package around. It could be someone in their lives today that is their package. It could be something...

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May 16 2018

The Forgotten Most Important Holiday

Matzah, Shofar, Sukkah, Fasting, Menorah, Graggers – these conjure up warm fuzzies about our Jewish connection. They remind us of those special times during the year when we sit around the table with our family and friends and celebrate our Judaism.   But there is one holiday that seems to fall through the crack and there is an element to this holiday that makes it more important than all the other holidays.   Relationships: There are two types of relationships; there is the pleasure relationship and the compelling relationship. Pleasure relationships are those relationships that...

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Apr 25 2018

To Love is to Act

Perhaps the most well known commandment in the Torah is the commandment of "Love your neighbor as yourself".   This is a challenging mitzvah to say the least. In fact, so challenging that it begs the question how could G-d make it a command. In other words, how can you command someone to feel a certain way.   Furthermore, if we are commanded to love our neighbor (read all people) "as ourselves", then why the need for all the mitzvos about how to treat the needy, poor, widow and orphan. Wouldn't we naturally treat...

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Dec 06 2017

Good Looks

This week's email is dedicated to my father in honor of his 70th Birthday celebrated this week, with wishes for long life, good health and nachas from all his children and grandchildren!   The bond between parent and child is profound and unique. When children are young, a parent experiences intense physical love for their child.   When children grow into young’uns the intense love may evolve into appreciation for the uniqueness of the child; their smarts, their talents, etc.   When they are teenagers…well, it reminds me of the line from Rabbi Bernhard from South...

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Oct 04 2017

Time to Hug!

It's been a rough week for all of us, it's time for a hug!   The Sukkah walls will hug us beginning this evening and for the next 8 days. It's the Divine embrace that each of us will draw from for the rest of the year. An embrace that provides each of us with the resources we need to live a more G-dly and goodly life this year!   The joy of Sukkos is fully realized on account of the 4 Kinds (Lulav, Ethrog, Hadasim and Aravos). The analogy of each of the...

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Aug 17 2017

Charlottesville, Tinshames and the Eclipse

Hearing the news and seeing the rally marches from Charlottesville, was appalling and frightening. Could it be in the USA in 2017, these words, these actions?!   It's easy to get caught up in one's political leanings, to blame this party or the other. To blame one individual or the other. I'll leave that to those that actually get paid to have an opinion on that.   For me as a Rabbi and a Chabad Chasid, I attempt to look to the deeper dimension and ask myself what can I learn from this?   I found...

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Feb 16 2017

Honor Thy Parents

In a discussion last week with some Young Adults regarding the critical components to a happy marriage we identified honor, love and admiration.   How does one honor another? For this we have the commandment from this week's Torah portion; Honor they father and mother.   The Talmud asks what is honor? To clothe, bathe and feed. Actions!   Love, while it is important and the spice of any relationship, since however it is an emotion, it is not always present and is not a constant. Honor on the other hand, since it is an action...

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