

Nov 29 2017

Patience is a Virtue

I can tell you it is not a virtue that I have naturally or that I have mastered. It is though something I strive for :-).   Some people are just more patient, they are "gelasin" that's a yiddish word for even-keeled. It sounds better in Yiddish. Others are "farhitzed" also a yiddish word, that means cooked or shvitzed (oy vey with these yiddish words). They can't sit still and need it to happen now! They need the next challenge, next opportunity!   The fact is that both are necessary qualities at various times...

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Sep 06 2017

It’s All In The Smile

The Mishna states "receive everyone with a pleasant face". We are being taught in this Mishna the importance of having proper social interactions. You may be in a bad mood but you can always smile to another. Your bad mood is not their problem!   Why is the smile so important? I recently read an essay from the Rebbe with a nuanced comment that addresses this question - perhaps.   There is a parable given by the Alter Rebbe regarding the month of Elul. In the parable the Rebbe says that throughout the year...

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Jun 07 2017

Mazal Tov and Let them Rise Up

Sarah Chana Radcliffe, a respected family therapist writes the following: Older kids as well as teens need more space to do things their own way. Parents, on the other hand, want to help their kids do things the best way, the safest way, the rightest way - THEIR way. They often suffer tremendous anxiety in letting go of the reigns. If you feel a strong need to give your older child lots of instructions, remember this: he learned everything you had to offer in his first decade. You did a great...

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Feb 01 2017


To be en-light-ened is to have light in your life where others have darkness.   In this week's Torah portion the Jews were enlightened during the plague of darkness. The verse states "and to all the Children of Israel there was light in their abodes".   King David tells us that there are those that have eyes but don't see, ears that don't hear, etc. We may think the world is filled with light but in reality there are those that live in darkness.   The distinction between living in darkness or light is often associated...

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Jul 06 2016

The Rebbe

During the last farbrengen of Pesach, 5726/1965, in between the Rebbe's talks, as the Chasidim engaged in song, the Rebbe pointed towards a small 11 year old boy sitting at the end of a table at the other end of the hall. The Rebbe gestured towards him with four fingers, as if to ask if he had drunk four cups of wine. At first, no one understood who the Rebbe was gesturing towards until they realized that he meant this particular boy. The next talk, then continued.   During the interval before...

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