

Jun 26 2019

The Moses Affect

How many things need to go right for us to wake up in the morning? How many things need to go right for us to make it safely to work? How many things need to go right for us to be successful at our endeavors?   Where indeed do we draw the power to navigate life successfully, to live a spiritually purposeful and connect life?   ***   We are introduced to a profound idea from this week's Torah portion. The Jews approach Moses asking to send spies into Israel to see if they will be able to...

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May 08 2019

A Lesson in Perspective

The teachings are fundamental to the Jewish thought and the guidance of the Baal Shem Tov; sometimes things are not appreciated until we are looking in the rearview mirror.   In a recent interview with Rabbi Goldstein on "MyLife Chasidus Applied" some things he shared carried this message in a fashion that gave me a new perspective on these ideas. I'd like to share.   Rabbi Goldstein shared how as a young child growing up in Crown Heights he began to slowly appreciate the greatness of the Rebbe. He had a childish competition with...

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Feb 27 2019

Don’t Be So Hard On Yourself

Did you know that the day that Moses received atonement for the Jewish People after the sin of the Golden Calf was on Yom Kippur? In fact, because of the atonement achieved on that day, the 10th of Tishrei, the very same day, has become a day of atonement for all time.   After Moses receives atonement, G-d tells him to carve a second set of tablets and bring them to the People. Indeed on that very day, Moses comes off the mountain with the second set of tablets.   The opening of our...

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Jan 23 2019

Ode To The Mainstay

Moses speaks first to the women and then to the men. He affirms a truth evident today more than ever; the Jewish woman is the mainstay of the home.   He speaks in terms of conversation, engagement with the women. With the men he speaks in terms of instruction, command.   It's quite obvious without our women, we men would not be here. But, in truth if not for our women we would not only not physically be here but man would have long ago consumed each other.   King Solomon in his famous Aishes Chayil...

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Nov 07 2018

Are We Really So Different?

That which the heart doesn’t allow for, time allows for. This Hebrew saying – which flows much more nicely in Hebrew – captures the feelings many of us have almost two weeks out from the Pittsburgh massacres.   The deep rooted pain, anger, disbelief, fear subsides and we are able to go about our days without being consumed by those horrific events.   For the families and Pittsburgh community, it will take more time, but they too in time will feel the pain subside. This ability for the acute emotional pain, is a gift...

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Oct 24 2018

The Language of Torah

G-d approaches Abraham after his bris and presents the pending destruction of Sodom and Gemorah to him. "And the Lord said, "Shall I conceal from Abraham what I am doing?" After all, I am going to make him into a great nation and this land I will give to his inheritors. How can I destroy it without letting him know.   (Indeed, a fascinating defense motion is put into place by Abraham who argues for salvation for the people of Sodom and Gemorah with the hope that there are some righteous people...

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Jun 20 2018

The Kings Road

This Shabbos is sandwiched between two very important days on the Chabad calendar. The 3rd of Tammuz - the anniversary of the passing of the Rebbe and the 12/13th of Tammuz - the anniversary of the liberation from the sentences of death and exile of the previous Rebbe from Soviet Prison.   As mentioned in last week's article (Korach in Time) there are energies associated with the days of the Jewish calendar and the events that transpired on them.   The energy of these two days and these two great Jewish leaders is captured...

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Jun 13 2018

Korach in Time

The mutiny of Korach in our Torah portion is classified as the model quarrel of our tradition. What was Korach's quarrel is the basis of great discussions worth exploring here.   In this article I want to capture a basic aspect of his quarrel and derive a practical message for this Shabbos. I hope you'll read to the end and capitalize on the unique spiritual energy available to you this Shabbos.   Korach, who belonged to the Levite family, challenged the appointment of Aaron to the position of High Priest. He argued that the...

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May 30 2018

Independent Times

Perhaps more than any other time in history we live in the era of the individual. Old norms, old structures are being replaced without revolutions. Regular folk making decisions on how they can disrupt industries are succeeding and the world is changing with it.   If you are an old folk, you may want to get with the program so you aren't left behind.   If you are a young folk, while it is certainly commendable the changes you are making, it's important to plug in and anchor the changes in some of the...

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Mar 21 2018

All who are hungry…

We're all very familiar with the four sons or four children of the Seder (you can read a deeper insight into the Seder and the four sons by Dena here).   Did you know there's a fifth son or fifth child? And I have news for you! You actually know that person.   You see the fifth child is the child who is not present at the Seder.   It's not that they are not wise and have rationally concluded that there is no need to go to a Seder. Because they are wise.   It's not that...

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