

May 01 2019

Enough is Enough

As the week winds down and we prepare for Shabbos, we breathe out the challenges of the week and breathe in fresh resources for the week ahead. We breathe out the difficulty of the hurdles we jumped over this week and breathe in a prayer for an easier journey next week.   This week, as a Jewish People we have a lot of breathing out and a lot of breathing in to do. So many painful thoughts and feelings and at the same time so many thoughts and feelings of empowerment experienced...

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Aug 29 2018

Tradition, Tradition!

The traditions that stand out most on Rosh Hashanah include the sound of the Shofar and the Apples in Honey. Another well known but perhaps not as popular is eating a new fruit on the second evening of Rosh Hashanah. What is the meaning behind these traditions? Today I'll focus on the new fruit.   New Fruit - The technical. It is a tradition on the second evening of Rosh Hashanah after the Kiddush is recited to make a blessing of Shechiyanu (renewal) on a fruit that one hasn't eaten in 12...

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Nov 15 2017

Tired? Dig a well.

Do you ever feel completely depleted? You know those days or weeks where it just doesn't stop and then you pause at a given moment and realize that you've been running on fumes. You think to yourself, "I just can't go on, I don't know how I'm going to find another ounce of stamina to move forward".   Sometimes, this happens physically and often it happens spiritually. The spiritual engine seems to have idled and it looks like there is no more gas. Funny sounds are coming from places where sounds shouldn't...

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Nov 08 2017

Servitude is the Greatest Liberation

Do you ever want to take a break from yourself? A break from thinking? A break from feeling? The more sensitive and in touch you are, the smarter you are, the greater the desire to take a break, to greater the need to just still the mind.   Yoga, mindfulness meditation and regular meditation are all helpful to this end. But imagine living the paradox, where you feel and think and still experience peace of mind and heart?!   Meditate on that for a bit :-)!   There is help and it comes from an unlikely Biblical figure...

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May 03 2017

Free to Pray

Good prayer has three ingredients; time, place and person.   Time - there is a time for certain prayers and there is a time to not pray certain prayers. For example, when the Jewish People stood at the sea, they were instructed not to pray but to move forward. Or, would it make sense to pray for rain in the summer season?   Place - the environment should be conducive to prayer. Clean, holy, and prayer is often times more powerful in locations that have a more direct channel eg; The Western Wall, the...

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Nov 21 2016

A Jewish Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is not a Jewish holiday but it is quite the Jewish holiday.  In fact gratitude and thanks is fundamental to Jewish thought.  Additionally, Jews have always had an obligation to give thanks and appreciation to our host country.  This is true in particular for this country, the USA which has been a country of kindness to our People.   Gratitude and thanks has many faces and many dimensions.  It starts with a recognition of those that have done kindness to you. This includes of course G-d and then all those that...

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Mar 30 2016

Bring down the fire!

The moment has arrived! Months of construction, the walls, the Ark, the Menorah, the garments of the Kohen have come and gone. The seven days of consecration have passed with Moses having served as High Priest. Aaron is waiting for the Divine Presence to descend on the Mishkan (Tabernacle) and nothing happens. He wonders whether the Divine Presence is not descending because of his part in sin of the Golden Calf .   So Moses joins Aaron in prayer; Vayehi Noam Hashem Elokeinu Alaynu – may it be pleasing before G-d Almighty...

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Feb 11 2016

Getting a leg up

These days everybody is looking to find a way to get a leg up on the competition, an edge over the competitor, something that makes you stand out.   This weeks Torah portion tells us about building a home for Hashem – the Mishkan.   The theory; if the Mishkan is the microcosm of how we create a perfect home for G-d in the entire world (make for a Mishkan and I will dwell within them – within each and every one of Israel {who make for me a home}) then following the instructions...

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