

Jul 31 2019

How Much Do You Sacrifice?

Where do you draw the line? Logic says that we are to sacrifice for the things that are important to us in life. To provide a living for our families we work hard, giving up on potentially enjoyable vacations. We study late into the night to achieve our intellectual goals. We put aside our personal needs for our children. For in the sacrifice we uncover potentials we never knew we had. But, how much sacrifice is enough?   In this week's portion G-d tells Moses to avenge Him through battling the Midianites....

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Jul 10 2019

Red Cow Power!

We all have one or two of those people in our lives, the ones who we really feel are beyond hope. No matter what we do for them or how we do it, nothing seems to work. Worse, they don't get the message that we can't help them. Is it mental illness? Addiction? Narcissism?   Is all hope lost?   Before I address that question, let me pose another one.   Do you know that person who many years ago you wrote off as hopeless? Never standing a chance at making it. Will probably have a...

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Jun 26 2019

The Moses Affect

How many things need to go right for us to wake up in the morning? How many things need to go right for us to make it safely to work? How many things need to go right for us to be successful at our endeavors?   Where indeed do we draw the power to navigate life successfully, to live a spiritually purposeful and connect life?   ***   We are introduced to a profound idea from this week's Torah portion. The Jews approach Moses asking to send spies into Israel to see if they will be able to...

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Jun 19 2019

Second Chances

One day the light goes on and you suddenly see the world as you never saw it before. Events and struggles from the past suddenly have clarity.   Today with amazing new medical research into the brains neuroplasticity we are able to better understand the development of our world view, our reactions, our strengths and our struggles.   One of the fascinating things that have come to light is that much of what we do is driven by the brains development that we had no choosing in. For example, life events in birth and...

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Jun 05 2019

Did we leave the Torah in the Desert?

Do you feel like you are in the desert? Thirsty, tired, abandoned?   Usually the desert represents a wasteland, lack of life. However, in an interesting twist, our Torah portion, called "the Desert" and literally the translation of the word Bamidbar - the Hebrew name for the fourth book of the Torah, teaches a different and profound message.   The message is particularly poignant and timely as this portion, The Desert, is always read immediately prior to the festival of Shavous, in which we commemorate the events and revelation at Sinai.   So here it goes; The...

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Mar 27 2019

Don’t Ride the Highs Too High…

(In honor of my daughter Shelbelle's wedding to Leivy Lapidus)   In this week's Parsha we read of the tragic passing of the two sons of Aaron. In the height of the dedication of the Mishkan, on the 8th day of celebration, the Torah tells us they entered with a strange fire, intoxicated and a fire came forth and consumed them and they died.   Moses tells Aaron that Nadav and Avihu, his two sons were holy and sanctified G-d's name. These two seemingly opposite messages as to whether this was a good thing...

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Feb 27 2019

Don’t Be So Hard On Yourself

Did you know that the day that Moses received atonement for the Jewish People after the sin of the Golden Calf was on Yom Kippur? In fact, because of the atonement achieved on that day, the 10th of Tishrei, the very same day, has become a day of atonement for all time.   After Moses receives atonement, G-d tells him to carve a second set of tablets and bring them to the People. Indeed on that very day, Moses comes off the mountain with the second set of tablets.   The opening of our...

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Jan 23 2019

Ode To The Mainstay

Moses speaks first to the women and then to the men. He affirms a truth evident today more than ever; the Jewish woman is the mainstay of the home.   He speaks in terms of conversation, engagement with the women. With the men he speaks in terms of instruction, command.   It's quite obvious without our women, we men would not be here. But, in truth if not for our women we would not only not physically be here but man would have long ago consumed each other.   King Solomon in his famous Aishes Chayil...

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Jan 03 2019

Leadership on the Slope

We all get there, stuck in the rut or slipping down the slope, or whichever other cliche you want to use, it's all the same; we've gotten stuck!   The Talmud states that one who is tied up and can't untie himself. So how does someone who has entered into the stuck zone get unstuck.   When G-d appeared to Moses in the Burning Bush in last week's Torah portion, Moses asks G-d, how will the Jewish People believe in me? G-d answers that Moses is to tell them the code words; "Pukod Pukoditi...

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Dec 14 2018

Empathy Sympathy

Sympathy is feeling pity and sorry for someone else.   Empathy is being able to share and understand someone else's feeling.   A leader must empathize with the people he or she leads, but at the same time they must be a leader, meaning a separate entity. To be both is quite the challenge.   Moses was destined to be the leader of the Jewish People. He needed to relate to them, understand their pain, feel their hardship, in a word, to empathize with them.   But he also needed to be separate from them, to help them...

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