

May 11 2016


Love thy neighbor as thyself. This Biblical commandment comes from this weeks Torah portion. Perhaps the hardest of all the commandments, hence Hillel’s statement, “this is the entire Torah and the rest is commentary”.   But how indeed does one achieve this very difficult Mitzvah?   Like all other Mitzvos and like life itself it’s a journey with the journey itself the purpose not necessarily the destination.   Loving another can only happen when one appreciates the essential and eternal dimensions of the other person. The external things that generally attract us to love and friendship...

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Feb 04 2016

Meat and Milk – let’s not lose focus

It's too easy to discount the bulk of Jewish tradition and throw it to the wind in the name of progress and intellectual prowess.   The truth is, that if we dig deep we often find that the surface reasons for many traditions and customs that seem to be merely a product of the times or a product of rabbinic interpretation, in fact contain within them profound insights that would boggle the mind of the greatest professors and scientists. (I invite anybody reading this to spend an afternoon together to study some...

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