

May 29 2019

Is Jewish Law Too Rigid?

It's a big book of 613 commandments. It's codified in Maimonides 14 books of his magnum opus. It has responsa stretching from here to there. Why so many laws? Couldn't we all just get along?!   You'll pardon my bluntness but things are just not working out today with all the political correctness, touchy feely stuff and anything goes approach. Don't get me wrong, I think in the end it will all work out and we'll be better for it. But, out of the gate, it just isn't working.   Eventually, the people who...

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May 08 2019

A Lesson in Perspective

The teachings are fundamental to the Jewish thought and the guidance of the Baal Shem Tov; sometimes things are not appreciated until we are looking in the rearview mirror.   In a recent interview with Rabbi Goldstein on "MyLife Chasidus Applied" some things he shared carried this message in a fashion that gave me a new perspective on these ideas. I'd like to share.   Rabbi Goldstein shared how as a young child growing up in Crown Heights he began to slowly appreciate the greatness of the Rebbe. He had a childish competition with...

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May 01 2019

Enough is Enough

As the week winds down and we prepare for Shabbos, we breathe out the challenges of the week and breathe in fresh resources for the week ahead. We breathe out the difficulty of the hurdles we jumped over this week and breathe in a prayer for an easier journey next week.   This week, as a Jewish People we have a lot of breathing out and a lot of breathing in to do. So many painful thoughts and feelings and at the same time so many thoughts and feelings of empowerment experienced...

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Mar 27 2019

Don’t Ride the Highs Too High…

(In honor of my daughter Shelbelle's wedding to Leivy Lapidus)   In this week's Parsha we read of the tragic passing of the two sons of Aaron. In the height of the dedication of the Mishkan, on the 8th day of celebration, the Torah tells us they entered with a strange fire, intoxicated and a fire came forth and consumed them and they died.   Moses tells Aaron that Nadav and Avihu, his two sons were holy and sanctified G-d's name. These two seemingly opposite messages as to whether this was a good thing...

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Mar 06 2019

Wear your Judaism on your sleeve or Plastic Wrapped Kosher Dinner?

I try to get out to community events to show my support for various causes. Occasionally, the food served is not kosher and at those times a special meal is ordered that is strictly kosher.   While everyone is digging into their non kosher chicken or steak, I'm trying to tear open the plastic for my Challah Roll and the packaging on the salad dressing.   I wonder sometimes if I'm better off just sitting there without eating altogether.   ***   In the Megillah of Purim, in a few weeks we read of the feast that the...

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Sep 21 2018

The Divine Embrace

From this week's Torah Portion. [Moses said that G-d would say,] "They are children who [act] uneducated."   By referring to us as his children, G-d let it be known that he would never sever his relationship with us, and that we can never sever our relationship with Him – just as parents can ever separate themselves from their children, and children can ever separate themselves from their parents. The relationship between parents and their children is so essential, so strong, that no matter how seriously it may be tested, in the final...

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Apr 25 2018

To Love is to Act

Perhaps the most well known commandment in the Torah is the commandment of "Love your neighbor as yourself".   This is a challenging mitzvah to say the least. In fact, so challenging that it begs the question how could G-d make it a command. In other words, how can you command someone to feel a certain way.   Furthermore, if we are commanded to love our neighbor (read all people) "as ourselves", then why the need for all the mitzvos about how to treat the needy, poor, widow and orphan. Wouldn't we naturally treat...

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Mar 21 2018

All who are hungry…

We're all very familiar with the four sons or four children of the Seder (you can read a deeper insight into the Seder and the four sons by Dena here).   Did you know there's a fifth son or fifth child? And I have news for you! You actually know that person.   You see the fifth child is the child who is not present at the Seder.   It's not that they are not wise and have rationally concluded that there is no need to go to a Seder. Because they are wise.   It's not that...

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Jan 10 2018

It’s time to warm up!

The weather across the country has been freezing! It's time for a thaw.   Maybe that's why in this week's Torah portion the Frogs jump into the ovens?! In plague #2 against Pharaoh and his People, Frogs, an amphibious creature, jumps into the Egyptian ovens as an act of sacrifice.   In the plague #1, the cold Egyptian water turns to blood.   We have the cold turning warm and the cold putting out the fires.   Sometimes in life when we are cold we ought to warm up. This is true when we are cold to things...

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Jan 03 2018

Fiery Ears

I recently heard this nice thought; "listen and silent have the same letters". I'm not sure who is the author of this statement but it surely reflects two approaches in how we relate to others.   Some peoples silence is a simple tactic to get the other person to finish talking so they can fully have the stage when it is their turn to respond.   For others, they are actually listening, taking in what the other person is saying trying to internalize and relate or at best sympathize.   *** In this week's Torah portion, Moses...

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