

Jan 30 2018

Her or Derher

“I’m listening, I can tell you exactly what you said”, said every husband to wife.   In Yeshiva, sometimes when dozing off in shiur (class) or being preoccupied with some other nonsense the Rabbi would say “du herzt” which means do you hear?   The answer would be as above, “of course, I can tell you exactly what you said”. The Rabbi would proceed to ask “du herzt tzi du derherzt”, are you listening or are your internalizing.   Both words mean to hear but one is to internalize and the other is simply to use...

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Jul 26 2017

See, what you’re gonna see!

It's always a little humbling when the lights go on. Suddenly you see how you really appear. It's humiliating, embarrassing and most of all humbling.   I'm talking about perspective, worldviews, paradigms, etc. We think a certain way based on our upbringing, other influences and our own choosing. Of course, we have only those tools to work from. So we engage with the world from that vantage point. Sometimes that vantage point and paradigm is helpful and sometimes it becomes a point of tension and contention between us and others.   Then one...

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May 03 2017

Free to Pray

Good prayer has three ingredients; time, place and person.   Time - there is a time for certain prayers and there is a time to not pray certain prayers. For example, when the Jewish People stood at the sea, they were instructed not to pray but to move forward. Or, would it make sense to pray for rain in the summer season?   Place - the environment should be conducive to prayer. Clean, holy, and prayer is often times more powerful in locations that have a more direct channel eg; The Western Wall, the...

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Feb 24 2016

Moses on the line

Three bonds are tied one to the other; Israel, Torah and The Holy One Blessed Be He. The Zohar In this weeks Torah portion we read of the Big sin – the making and the worshipping the Golden Calf. After having revealed Himself and having given the Torah only 40 days earlier at Mt. Sinai G-d chooses a drastic punishment for the Jewish People – Destruction! Moses steps forward and tells G-d, if You choose to forgive them great, if not take me out of the Book which You have written (the...

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Oct 14 2015

Do you want to climb into the ark?

So how does this play out? Israel will flex its muscles, get the situation under control, the UN will condemn Israel, the US will play politics, the families who have murdered children or spouses will be left to their pain and longing for years to come, many of those wounded will suffer from their wounds for months, years and others for the rest of their lives, and where will you and I be?   It is tempting to say a prayer and hope this all blows over quickly. It is tempting to...

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