

Jan 03 2019

Leadership on the Slope

We all get there, stuck in the rut or slipping down the slope, or whichever other cliche you want to use, it's all the same; we've gotten stuck!   The Talmud states that one who is tied up and can't untie himself. So how does someone who has entered into the stuck zone get unstuck.   When G-d appeared to Moses in the Burning Bush in last week's Torah portion, Moses asks G-d, how will the Jewish People believe in me? G-d answers that Moses is to tell them the code words; "Pukod Pukoditi...

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Nov 14 2018

Saying Goodbye/Hello to Holy Spaces

Holiness is eternal. That is because holiness is an extension of Hashem who is eternal.   What of the physical spaces that become home to Hashem and holiness?   This Shabbos we bid farewell to the Chabad Intown building that has served this community for the past 18 years. The building has been sold and it's time to move out. We are moving upwards to larger and more impactful spaces on the BeltLine.   What of the holiness of the space?   The Talmud talks about the terms under which one is allowed to sell an object of...

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Sep 12 2018

A forgiving Shabbos

Some people are passive, others are aggressive. Yet others are passive aggressive. Some people are hard on themselves, easy on others. Hard on others, easy on themselves. The hard on themselves people are pushing themselves constantly and are very unforgiving for their shortcomings. The easy people seem to float through life. They don't seem to internalize any of it.   In just a few days the holy day of Atonement, the day of Yom Kippur will be upon us. Each year between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur we have a Shabbos. Shabbos possess a...

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Oct 24 2017

All Alone?!

Do you ever feel all alone? Like no one gets you and your trying to move something along that is meeting human obstacle after obstacle. Or like the entire world has gone mad and you're the only sane one? (If you answered yes to the last question, I know a good therapist.)   Last week I attended a session at the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta called a Fishbowl. Inside the Fishbowl were three entrepreneurs. And we were watching the conversation taking place between these entrepreneurs and the interviewee. One of...

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Jun 21 2017

I choose

I recently attended a funeral of a dear friend and young man. A real tragedy and sad day. One of the speakers, a good friend of the deceased shared his memories but he presented his comments in a unique fashion.   He framed all of his memories by saying "I choose to remember". I choose to remember the deceased for this particular quality and proceeded to share an anecdote. He did this over and over again and it suddenly it hit me. He was not only saying these words but actually engaging...

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May 25 2016

How to make a day shine

One day you wake up and the sun is shining in a way that it has never shined before!   You see the world not just somewhat differently than before, but entirely different.  You always thought of the world in one particular way and now it is illuminated in a way that shows you that the world  you were always living in was a dark world.  The lights have come on!  You are humbled!   What you do with the inspiration will determine whether the inspiration is real or yet another one...

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