

May 01 2019

Enough is Enough

As the week winds down and we prepare for Shabbos, we breathe out the challenges of the week and breathe in fresh resources for the week ahead. We breathe out the difficulty of the hurdles we jumped over this week and breathe in a prayer for an easier journey next week.   This week, as a Jewish People we have a lot of breathing out and a lot of breathing in to do. So many painful thoughts and feelings and at the same time so many thoughts and feelings of empowerment experienced...

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Mar 06 2019

Wear your Judaism on your sleeve or Plastic Wrapped Kosher Dinner?

I try to get out to community events to show my support for various causes. Occasionally, the food served is not kosher and at those times a special meal is ordered that is strictly kosher.   While everyone is digging into their non kosher chicken or steak, I'm trying to tear open the plastic for my Challah Roll and the packaging on the salad dressing.   I wonder sometimes if I'm better off just sitting there without eating altogether.   ***   In the Megillah of Purim, in a few weeks we read of the feast that the...

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Feb 05 2019

Is Truth Arbitrary?

(This is a thought on last week's Torah portion that I've been working on and I wanted to share with you.)   I won't keep you in suspense, the answer is yes. Well kind of.   Let me explain. Fundamentally the common mindset; "what is your truth", ie. that truth is whatever you make it to be is not correct or accurate according to Torah.   However, to my knowledge there is no Mitzvah to "tell the truth". (Please correct me if you know otherwise.) There is a Mitzvah "midvar sheker tirchak - distance yourself from...

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Jan 30 2019

Through Which Lens Do You See The World?

Remember this picture? Do you see the beautiful woman or the old lady? Through which lens do you see the world?   Here is Torah version of this (perhaps).   When you you think of Mt. Sinai, do you think of the Ten Commandments or do you think of the Revelation of G-d, thunder, lightning and booming Divine voice?   Is your experience of the Torah, a stringent set of rules that must be obeyed, or are you engaged in a loving relationship with G-d and the Torah is the framework for that relationship?   We may perceive...

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Dec 27 2018

A Sheep Among The Wolves

The Jewish People have always been a sheep among the wolves. That's part of the Divine masterplan. Why that is, is truly part of the mystery of Creation and a challenge of faith. Nonetheless, that is the way it is and as much as we've tried to run from it by attempting to integrate, history has shown that we remain separate.   In fact, when we embrace our separateness we end up a lot happier because we have a sense of self of who we are and those around us have a...

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Nov 18 2015

What’s your name?

Hi my name is Josh, Mark, Rachel, Rebecca! Actually my name is Yehoshua, Moshe, Rochel and Rivkah!  And those are the easy ones.  Sometimes the names can be more dramatic; Dylan is Dovid, and Cindy is Shoshana.   The Torah goes to great lengths in this weeks Torah portion to tell us about the names of the leaders of the Tribes.  Reuven for G-d has seen "Reu" me in my suffering "en"-ee.  Or Gad for Gad - Mazal has come.  Or Asher for G-d has made me fortunate "Ashri". What's in a Jewish...

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