

Aug 24 2016

Don’t procrastinate

Are you the kind of person that waits until crunch time to get the job done? Do you work best under pressure? Most of the time it is arguably alright to wait until the last minute, provided that you are actually good at getting the job done even with so little time.   Sometime though waiting until the end (even if you get the job done) is detrimental to the very essence of the job. Let me explain. This Shabbos blesses the month of Elul. Elul is a month of preparation for...

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Jun 08 2016

Tiny giant

[no_blockquote text="Chassidus is Divine intelligence, an understanding which shows man how small he is, and how great he can become. " text_color="" title_tag="h2" width="" line_height="" background_color="" border_color="" show_quote_icon="no" quote_icon_color="" quote_icon_size=""] - Hayom Yom   In just a few days we'll celebrate, commemorate and reenact the Revelation at Sinai and the giving of the Torah. This was a once in history event that carried with it eternal power.   It was a powerful event that demonstrated how great G-d is and in turn how small man is. But it also empowered us to realize that G-d in...

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Apr 28 2016

Chabad’s obsession with Moshiach (Messiah)

We want Moshiach now! May it be speedily in our days, amen!   If you’ve spent a few minutes with a Chabad’nik, listened to a class, sermon or lecture from a Chabad Rabbi or spent a few minutes in a Chabad home you surely encountered some expression associated with Moshiach. A prayer, a wish, a hope.   The final days of Pesach are upon us and this holiday has a particular association with Moshiach. The verse states, “as it was in the days that you left Egypt, I will show you wonders (in the final...

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Apr 21 2016

Passover Safety Information Card

In honor of Passover I produced this wonderful video on my very own website  Ok. Totally kidding, that's not our Schusterman and we're not even related, although maybe one day we will be (or at least they'll support the Chabad efforts of this Atlanta Schusterman :-).  It's a cute video though, and I did write this Safety card to accompany the video (although I wrote it a few years ago, it's message is timeless or at least still relevant).   Enjoy! And Please read Dena and my blessings to you for Passover...

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Apr 13 2016

Escape from Egypt

  It’s amazing what capitalism will produce! The newest franchise is called “Escape Games”. Each Escape Game is a real‑life escape room adventure for a small group. You solve puzzles, crack codes, find clues, and more in order to escape. You have one goal: escape the room.   The Baal Shem Tov taught us that everything that occurs around us is to serve as lesson in our service of Hashem. Surely, this novel idea has profound insight for us and in particular now prior to the holiday of Pesach which is Zman Cherusaynu...

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Mar 24 2016

Up is not up and down is not down

Today is Purim! And that means that today everything is upside down. Haman's desire to destroy the Jews was turned on its head and the Jews were victorious. The very gallows that Mordechai was to be hanged, became the hanging place of Haman. Mordechai who was to be shamed parading Haman through the streets became the the paraded. Esther became exalted and the people were all taxed but the Jews were not. And the Jews celebrated. The Megillah captures this with the words - Vnahapach Hu - and it was...

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