

Apr 14 2017

Are you free yet?

Each year the Passover Seder brings new insights and inspiration. (One of the perks of leading a communal or group Seder :-)).   This year I heard a beautiful insight that really resonated with me.   At the point in the Seder when we make the blessing on the Matzah we hold the top of the three Matzahs and the broken middle Matzah. The Matzah we eat at this point in the Seder is the Matzah of liberation; for there wasn't enough time for the dough to rise when our ancestor left Egypt. (As...

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Dec 27 2016

Avoid the Guilt and Give the Gelt

Chanukah is just around the corner, and it is the most wonderful time of the year.   I intentionally borrowed that phrase because I do know how difficult it is to manage both our Jewish festivities and the ubiquitous twinkly lights, trees, tinsel and glitziness of the season. It is so inviting, and our kids want a piece of it.   There was recently a first in my family in which my 5-year-old twin daughters asked us if we could “pleeeease” put up decorations outside our house. They were very specific: “Outdoors like everybody...

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Dec 21 2016

Chanukah: Who Needs to Justify its Utter Delight?

Chanukah is utter delight. Why, then, examine the origin of the delight? Why tempt joy with analysis, especially when the analysis may cause some folks to bristle by philosophizing about the nature of miracles and faith. Regardless, let me take a chance of looking more analytically at Chanukah’ delight in light of spiritual integrity and the Torah’s truth eternal truth.   Some years ago there was an article presented locally that mocked the childish belief of educated adults in the possibility of miracles?   It asserted that faith ought not to be based on...

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Nov 21 2016

A Jewish Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is not a Jewish holiday but it is quite the Jewish holiday.  In fact gratitude and thanks is fundamental to Jewish thought.  Additionally, Jews have always had an obligation to give thanks and appreciation to our host country.  This is true in particular for this country, the USA which has been a country of kindness to our People.   Gratitude and thanks has many faces and many dimensions.  It starts with a recognition of those that have done kindness to you. This includes of course G-d and then all those that...

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Oct 27 2016

Living the Marathon

The Marathon is over. 48 hours of Rosh Hashanah solemness, 25 hours of Yom Kippur praying and fasting, 7 Days of Sukkos joy and unity and the grand finale 48 hours of Simchas Torah dancing and L'chaim!   I've never run a marathon, but I suspect that when the body cools down after that run it's a little too quiet. Kind of begs for some action. Maybe you need to go for a small run?!   With the high of the high holidays cooling down maybe it's time for a little run. In fact...

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Oct 19 2016

Dance The Night Away!

48 hours of Rosh Hashanah = 48 hours of Simchas Torah (and Shmini Atzeres)!   Love and Awe (or fear) of G-d are fundamentals of Jewish faith and observance. They are called wings through which all of our good deeds soar heavenward.   Love and Awe (or fear) of G-d are fundamentals of Jewish faith and observance. They are called wings through which all of our good deeds soar heavenward.   On Rosh Hashanah, "days of Awe", the energy while critical is one of distance. On Simchas Torah the energy is one of Joy and Love...

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Oct 11 2016

The Way I Think #52

How was the sermon? Was it passionate? Was it on the money? Did it make its mark?   How inspired were you these past few weeks? What kind of good resolutions did you make?   Now that the HH days have passed and we are up to the fun stuff Sukkos and Simchas Torah, what happens to those sermons or the inspiration of the services?   Hence, The Way I Think #52   #52 is the number of weeks until the next Rosh Hashanah. So my question for you and for me is, “do we wait until week...

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Oct 06 2016

The Angel at Starbucks

Do you ever stop and wonder about the tens if not hundreds of people you bump into or interact with on a given day? The bagger at the supermarket, the mailman, a customer service representative, the email spammer and the many more human beings we interact with consciously or subconsciously every day.   According to the teachings of the Ba’al Shem Tov, each of these interactions are divinely orchestrated. There is a reason and purpose for each of these interactions. No we are not always fortunate to see or know the...

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Sep 28 2016

Don’t Judge Me!

No one likes to be judged! In fact the Mishna says, don't judge another because there is only one True judge. So why the New Year's celebration?! Indeed it is a day of awe but when the service is over we are instructed to go eat and feast and celebrate.   Let's break it down. Why don't we like to be judged? Here are a couple of reasons: 1. We don't think the other person has our best interests at heart 2. We don't think the other person really understands us and our...

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Sep 21 2016

Groundhog Day

Imagine you woke up each morning and the world was brand new. No baggage. Everything was fresh. Imagine if each day was your wedding day. Imagine if each day was your first day at your new dream job.   (Ever notice how kids wake up in the morning? For them each day is exactly like that. They don't carry yesterday's burdens, it's all new and fresh.)   We crave novelty and newness. What a gift that each year we are given the opportunity to renew ourselves as G-d renews the year.   In fact each day...

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