

Feb 01 2017


To be en-light-ened is to have light in your life where others have darkness.   In this week's Torah portion the Jews were enlightened during the plague of darkness. The verse states "and to all the Children of Israel there was light in their abodes".   King David tells us that there are those that have eyes but don't see, ears that don't hear, etc. We may think the world is filled with light but in reality there are those that live in darkness.   The distinction between living in darkness or light is often associated...

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Jan 18 2017

Moving Forward

Recently I had a run in with a friend. I suggested that we sit down and talk it out. His response was, "nah, let it sit for some time and it will blow over for both of us". Turns out he was correct. It did blow over.   But it doesn't always. Sometimes, issues from the past linger and the can become consuming, eating us up from within, until it gets resolved.   How does one resolve the issues from the past? There are two approaches: A. face the demons head on...

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Jun 15 2016

Run to the hills!

I suspect many a young lovers couple dreamed the same dream, fantasized the same fantasy – to run to the hills and live in nature, away from the distractions of the world, lost in drunk love.   Alas, for most of us, neither finances nor practicality would allow that for any extended period of time, so we have to suffice with a honeymoon or honeymoon period.   When the world gets crazy like it did Sunday in Orlando, when the world seems to be declining and all semblance of normalcy seems to be disappearing...

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