

Jan 09 2019

The Belt, The Shoe and The Stick

They looked for it in the 60's, the 70's and in our own way we are looking for it in the 2010's. It is liberation!   We are looking to be freed from all external constraints. In essence our soul is calling out to us to be freed so we can connect with our truest purpose.   This expedition into freedom and liberation is not reserved for the Passover Seder. In fact, it is every day that one must see oneself as if they are going out of Egypt each and every day.   We look...

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Jan 03 2019

Leadership on the Slope

We all get there, stuck in the rut or slipping down the slope, or whichever other cliche you want to use, it's all the same; we've gotten stuck!   The Talmud states that one who is tied up and can't untie himself. So how does someone who has entered into the stuck zone get unstuck.   When G-d appeared to Moses in the Burning Bush in last week's Torah portion, Moses asks G-d, how will the Jewish People believe in me? G-d answers that Moses is to tell them the code words; "Pukod Pukoditi...

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Feb 07 2018

Who is your Taskmaster?

Are you enslaved? Enslaved to your emotions or your way of thinking? Perhaps you’re enslaved to something of substance?   In any case, most of us are enslaved to our world view. It may be substantive and worthwhile, maybe even holy. But, it’s still the world view that we see from the eyes behind our eyelids.   Ever try looking at yourself from the other angle (outside of yourself)? Don’t worry; you’re in good company. It’s pretty hard to do this. So, if we can’t see ourselves from the outside how are we to...

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Jan 25 2018

What do you practice?

In this great video on Facebook, this little boy preaches beyond his years about which behaviors do you practice.   Whatever you practice you will get good at. So, if you practice complaining you will get good at it and find fault in everything. If you practice anger, you'll get really good at it and you'll find every opportunity to get angry even at the smallest things. See this link.   It struck me when reading this week's Torah portion that if you practice faith in G-d you’ll get good at it and find...

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Jan 17 2018

It’s That Time of the Year – Resolutions

Have you paid attention to your inbox (digital and mail)? Are you getting those January solicitations to join the gym? Try out the newest diet? Join a new business coaching program?   January is a milestone in time; the end of one year, the start of a new one. People reflect on things they wished they had accomplished, feel guilty about the midline bulge and resolve that "this year" it's going to be different. Hence, the capitalization of your emotional roller coaster by the companies of the world.   So when is a resolution...

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Apr 28 2016

Chabad’s obsession with Moshiach (Messiah)

We want Moshiach now! May it be speedily in our days, amen!   If you’ve spent a few minutes with a Chabad’nik, listened to a class, sermon or lecture from a Chabad Rabbi or spent a few minutes in a Chabad home you surely encountered some expression associated with Moshiach. A prayer, a wish, a hope.   The final days of Pesach are upon us and this holiday has a particular association with Moshiach. The verse states, “as it was in the days that you left Egypt, I will show you wonders (in the final...

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Apr 21 2016

Passover Safety Information Card

In honor of Passover I produced this wonderful video on my very own website  Ok. Totally kidding, that's not our Schusterman and we're not even related, although maybe one day we will be (or at least they'll support the Chabad efforts of this Atlanta Schusterman :-).  It's a cute video though, and I did write this Safety card to accompany the video (although I wrote it a few years ago, it's message is timeless or at least still relevant).   Enjoy! And Please read Dena and my blessings to you for Passover...

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Apr 13 2016

Escape from Egypt

  It’s amazing what capitalism will produce! The newest franchise is called “Escape Games”. Each Escape Game is a real‑life escape room adventure for a small group. You solve puzzles, crack codes, find clues, and more in order to escape. You have one goal: escape the room.   The Baal Shem Tov taught us that everything that occurs around us is to serve as lesson in our service of Hashem. Surely, this novel idea has profound insight for us and in particular now prior to the holiday of Pesach which is Zman Cherusaynu...

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Apr 06 2016

Hasidic Exodus

The Seder and Passover is around the corner.  So, here are some unleavened food for thought.   We all carry around packages of the past.  A rough childhood, a traumatic relationship, a chance negative encounter, an illness that took away a portion of our youth, or perhaps just a bad teacher who gave us a negative way to look at the world.   How does one relieve themselves of this burden? How does one prevent that event from tethering them to the past and hindering their real potential for future growth? How does one...

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Jan 12 2016

The Courage of Sacrifice

Inevitably in our lives we are faced with an opportunity to show courage. It could be courage at work, at home, in a relationship or in some quiet place that only you and G-d Almighty are aware of. When we have courage, real courage we are ready to achieve Freedom.   Freedom is a state of being where only the things you choose to put upon yourself hold you captive. The Jewish People at Sinai accepted G-d and the Torah when they said Naseh Vinishma – we will do and we will...

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