

Nov 28 2018

Wondering How You Got Here?

Do you ever scratch your head and wonder; “how did I get here?” How did I end up in this situation?! Or perhaps your question is a faith based one; “why did things get orchestrated the way they did for me to be in this situation?”   We don’t usually pause to ask those questions when things are going good. It’s usually in frustration or exacerbation that these questions are expressed or contemplated.   In this week's Torah Portion, Jacob, sets into motion a series of events that are to determine the destiny of...

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Jan 25 2018

What do you practice?

In this great video on Facebook, this little boy preaches beyond his years about which behaviors do you practice.   Whatever you practice you will get good at. So, if you practice complaining you will get good at it and find fault in everything. If you practice anger, you'll get really good at it and you'll find every opportunity to get angry even at the smallest things. See this link.   It struck me when reading this week's Torah portion that if you practice faith in G-d you’ll get good at it and find...

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