

Feb 16 2017

Honor Thy Parents

In a discussion last week with some Young Adults regarding the critical components to a happy marriage we identified honor, love and admiration.   How does one honor another? For this we have the commandment from this week's Torah portion; Honor they father and mother.   The Talmud asks what is honor? To clothe, bathe and feed. Actions!   Love, while it is important and the spice of any relationship, since however it is an emotion, it is not always present and is not a constant. Honor on the other hand, since it is an action...

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Aug 16 2016

The Comforting Father

Do you ever want something from someone else? Something only they can give you? You have two choices when it comes to this request. A. You can rationalize why they should grant your request or B. beg or plead. I don’t really mean beg, more like calling on some inner part of your relationship with them that would evoke a response to respond to your request.   Which approach makes more sense? Well if you were Moses and had been nominated for a job you didn’t ask for or want (taking the...

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Jul 26 2016

Zealous rhymes with Honest?

Ok, this is an article a bit out of my character.  It is not that I am not straightforward always, it’s more that I generally try to package my comments in a more subtle manner.  But, something happened this week that just struck a chord.  So, here it is.   I was reading this book called “The Portable Jewish Mother; a hearty serving of OY VEY!”, a cute little book that talks about all the stereotypical stuff your read about the Jewish mother.  But there is other stuff about the Jewish lifecycle,...

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Nov 11 2015

Like father like son

Every generation thinks that theirs is the most difficult one in which to raise good upstanding children. With the exposure today to all kinds of media, with access to substances of all kinds at the ready, it's no wonder that we are more consumed than ever with concern about the next generation. Part of what taints are concern is our own life experience and our own character and genetic make up.  We want our kids to be like the best of us.  When they don't seem to be going down that...

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