

Jun 19 2019

Second Chances

One day the light goes on and you suddenly see the world as you never saw it before. Events and struggles from the past suddenly have clarity.   Today with amazing new medical research into the brains neuroplasticity we are able to better understand the development of our world view, our reactions, our strengths and our struggles.   One of the fascinating things that have come to light is that much of what we do is driven by the brains development that we had no choosing in. For example, life events in birth and...

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Mar 27 2019

Don’t Ride the Highs Too High…

(In honor of my daughter Shelbelle's wedding to Leivy Lapidus)   In this week's Parsha we read of the tragic passing of the two sons of Aaron. In the height of the dedication of the Mishkan, on the 8th day of celebration, the Torah tells us they entered with a strange fire, intoxicated and a fire came forth and consumed them and they died.   Moses tells Aaron that Nadav and Avihu, his two sons were holy and sanctified G-d's name. These two seemingly opposite messages as to whether this was a good thing...

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Nov 28 2018

Wondering How You Got Here?

Do you ever scratch your head and wonder; “how did I get here?” How did I end up in this situation?! Or perhaps your question is a faith based one; “why did things get orchestrated the way they did for me to be in this situation?”   We don’t usually pause to ask those questions when things are going good. It’s usually in frustration or exacerbation that these questions are expressed or contemplated.   In this week's Torah Portion, Jacob, sets into motion a series of events that are to determine the destiny of...

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Sep 21 2018

The Divine Embrace

From this week's Torah Portion. [Moses said that G-d would say,] "They are children who [act] uneducated."   By referring to us as his children, G-d let it be known that he would never sever his relationship with us, and that we can never sever our relationship with Him – just as parents can ever separate themselves from their children, and children can ever separate themselves from their parents. The relationship between parents and their children is so essential, so strong, that no matter how seriously it may be tested, in the final...

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May 30 2018

Independent Times

Perhaps more than any other time in history we live in the era of the individual. Old norms, old structures are being replaced without revolutions. Regular folk making decisions on how they can disrupt industries are succeeding and the world is changing with it.   If you are an old folk, you may want to get with the program so you aren't left behind.   If you are a young folk, while it is certainly commendable the changes you are making, it's important to plug in and anchor the changes in some of the...

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Mar 21 2018

All who are hungry…

We're all very familiar with the four sons or four children of the Seder (you can read a deeper insight into the Seder and the four sons by Dena here).   Did you know there's a fifth son or fifth child? And I have news for you! You actually know that person.   You see the fifth child is the child who is not present at the Seder.   It's not that they are not wise and have rationally concluded that there is no need to go to a Seder. Because they are wise.   It's not that...

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Dec 06 2017

Good Looks

This week's email is dedicated to my father in honor of his 70th Birthday celebrated this week, with wishes for long life, good health and nachas from all his children and grandchildren!   The bond between parent and child is profound and unique. When children are young, a parent experiences intense physical love for their child.   When children grow into young’uns the intense love may evolve into appreciation for the uniqueness of the child; their smarts, their talents, etc.   When they are teenagers…well, it reminds me of the line from Rabbi Bernhard from South...

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Jun 07 2017

Mazal Tov and Let them Rise Up

Sarah Chana Radcliffe, a respected family therapist writes the following: Older kids as well as teens need more space to do things their own way. Parents, on the other hand, want to help their kids do things the best way, the safest way, the rightest way - THEIR way. They often suffer tremendous anxiety in letting go of the reigns. If you feel a strong need to give your older child lots of instructions, remember this: he learned everything you had to offer in his first decade. You did a great...

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May 25 2017

The Art of Gifting

With the school year coming to a close, there is much ado about gifts: gifts for the teachers, gifts for the graduates and let’s hope at least a pat on the back for yourself as the parent.   I got my child safely through another nine months of schooling. Healthy lunches, clean clothes, homework and science projects. All done. For now. Yay me (times eight).   In the early years of the Intown Jewish Preschool, which I founded, the parents would ask me about arranging different end-of-year gifts for the teachers. A cute apron...

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May 17 2017

Lessons on Management

Most of us are in management. For starters we manage ourselves - or should be managing ourselves. Then, we manage our children. We manage around our spouses :-). Then perhaps there are those who manage others at work. Even if you are not at the top of the management chain but manage someone immediately at the next tier, you are still managing.   This week we read two Torah portions, Behar and Bechukosai. Behar means The Mountain. The Mountain we speak of here is the famous mountain of Sinai fame. Sinai's greatness...

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