

Oct 06 2016

The Angel at Starbucks

Do you ever stop and wonder about the tens if not hundreds of people you bump into or interact with on a given day? The bagger at the supermarket, the mailman, a customer service representative, the email spammer and the many more human beings we interact with consciously or subconsciously every day.   According to the teachings of the Ba’al Shem Tov, each of these interactions are divinely orchestrated. There is a reason and purpose for each of these interactions. No we are not always fortunate to see or know the...

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Jun 15 2016

Run to the hills!

I suspect many a young lovers couple dreamed the same dream, fantasized the same fantasy – to run to the hills and live in nature, away from the distractions of the world, lost in drunk love.   Alas, for most of us, neither finances nor practicality would allow that for any extended period of time, so we have to suffice with a honeymoon or honeymoon period.   When the world gets crazy like it did Sunday in Orlando, when the world seems to be declining and all semblance of normalcy seems to be disappearing...

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Feb 17 2016

Living Jewish out of the Foxhole

I had the good fortune of spending a few days last week including last Shabbat in Moscow, Russia. I was there to celebrate the wedding of Moshe Lerman son on Rabbi Yossi and Esther Lerman fellow Chabad Shluchim here in Georgia (in Gwinett County) to Frady Lazar, daughter of Rabbi Berel Lazal Chief Rabbi of Russia and director of Chabad activities in the former Soviet Union.   During the year 1991 – 1995 I spent summers, some high holidays, some Passovers and an entire year in that country. I remember the early...

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Jan 28 2016

A Miraculous Challenge

Different temperaments deal with the challenges of life in different ways.  Some are crushed by it.  Others get angry at G-d for giving them the challenge.  Others go with the flow.   In Hebrew a challenge or test is called a Nisayon.  In Hebrew a miracle is called Nes.  Both have the same root word which means to lift up.   A miracle lifts us up because it allows us to realize that there is an active G-d involved in our world and our life.  It lifts us up above the normal experience and...

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