

Oct 16 2018

It’s Really Absurd

More than the Jews have kept the Mitzvot, the Mitzvot have kept the Jew! - A wise person   One of the Mitzvot that Jews have observed even when they weren't observing other Mitzvot is the Mitzvah of Bris Milah - Circumcision. Often times even at great sacrifice and risk to themselves eg. click here.   Why indeed is this Mitzvah something that until today, Jews who may not keep kosher, Shabbat or go to shul will still make sure to have their children brissed?   The answer lies in the word Bris. Often it is translated...

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Oct 10 2018

Raging Waters/Hurricane Michael

I was wondering why this week's Torah portion tells the story of Noah in such great detail (5 plus sections of the Parsha), while the story of creation is told in just a few verses (one plus section).   Although the following conclusion is not based on a particular source, the main point is taught extensively in mystical teachings.   Perhaps the reason for this disparity is that creation represents arrival into this world which is an important event to be sure, but one that takes up a mere fraction of our lives. On...

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Aug 02 2018

Forgive Yourself – Accept Yourself

Maybe I’m projecting, but I notice people around me that overall seem happy. They seem like easy going people, but, they also seem to be carrying a lot around with them. And I’m not talking about a few extra pounds. There seems to be a package of sorts (or peckel in Yiddish) of troubles, anxiety, a burden, a weight.   Come to think of it, there are very few people who don’t carry a package around. It could be someone in their lives today that is their package. It could be something...

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May 30 2018

Independent Times

Perhaps more than any other time in history we live in the era of the individual. Old norms, old structures are being replaced without revolutions. Regular folk making decisions on how they can disrupt industries are succeeding and the world is changing with it.   If you are an old folk, you may want to get with the program so you aren't left behind.   If you are a young folk, while it is certainly commendable the changes you are making, it's important to plug in and anchor the changes in some of the...

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May 23 2018

Rose Colored Glasses

Have you ever gone through a challenging time in your life (who hasn't!?)? I have. And a common refrain that I'd hear (in my head or in someones voice) is that someone else has it a lot worse than you.   It reminded me of the saying in Hayom Yom that in material matters look towards those that have less than you and in spiritual matters look towards those that are on a higher spiritual plane.   I always understood this message as an ideal way of developing a healthy perspective on life; as...

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May 02 2018

The Sign on the Beltline

The joys and oys of life dominate our minds and hearts. Life is filled with challenges; at work, at home, with family, with friends, with finances, and with health.   Life is also filled with happy times; births, birthday milestones, graduations, little accomplishments, first bike, big accomplishments, first promotion, weddings, vacations, good books, and the list goes on.   Often times it seems that this is the way life is. In fact, we may come to believe that if we just accept that life has ups and downs, you win some and you lose...

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Apr 25 2018

To Love is to Act

Perhaps the most well known commandment in the Torah is the commandment of "Love your neighbor as yourself".   This is a challenging mitzvah to say the least. In fact, so challenging that it begs the question how could G-d make it a command. In other words, how can you command someone to feel a certain way.   Furthermore, if we are commanded to love our neighbor (read all people) "as ourselves", then why the need for all the mitzvos about how to treat the needy, poor, widow and orphan. Wouldn't we naturally treat...

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Mar 16 2018

Honest Leadership

Over the past generation we've seen a decline in world leadership. If you think of the great leaders of developed countries of the past generation, we find people of character, strong leaders, people of moral focus. The same is true of great companies and other institutions.   This is true in great part in the Jewish world as well.   What has happened is that the role of leadership has passed from the collective to the individual. In other words, leadership is no longer in the hands of a few select individuals but rather...

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Feb 14 2018

Footsteps in the Sand

I'm not sure the origin but y'all are familiar with the poem about the person who is walking with G-d and sees two footprints and then as the going gets difficult only sees one footprint. Wondering the person asks G-d where were you in the most difficult times? G-d answers I was carrying you.   According to Jewish tradition Hashem is always carrying us; in good times and rough times. The challenge is to us to open our eyes to see that indeed Hashem is there. The more we recognize that Hashem...

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Feb 07 2018

Who is your Taskmaster?

Are you enslaved? Enslaved to your emotions or your way of thinking? Perhaps you’re enslaved to something of substance?   In any case, most of us are enslaved to our world view. It may be substantive and worthwhile, maybe even holy. But, it’s still the world view that we see from the eyes behind our eyelids.   Ever try looking at yourself from the other angle (outside of yourself)? Don’t worry; you’re in good company. It’s pretty hard to do this. So, if we can’t see ourselves from the outside how are we to...

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