

Aug 07 2019

Divine Insecurity

In this week's Torah portion, the opening of the 5th book of the Torah, Moses recounts the travails of the Jewish People in the desert.   In recounting the story of the spies and their return from Israel with a negative report he tells us; "You said, God took us out of the land of Egypt because He hates us and wishes to deliver us into the hands of the Amorites and destroy us."   Self perception is the key to our self worth or lack thereof. The Jewish People's perceptions of their own...

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Jul 10 2019

Red Cow Power!

We all have one or two of those people in our lives, the ones who we really feel are beyond hope. No matter what we do for them or how we do it, nothing seems to work. Worse, they don't get the message that we can't help them. Is it mental illness? Addiction? Narcissism?   Is all hope lost?   Before I address that question, let me pose another one.   Do you know that person who many years ago you wrote off as hopeless? Never standing a chance at making it. Will probably have a...

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May 15 2019

Do you Feel Like a Hamster on a Wheel?

Do you feel like a hamster on a wheel trying to keep sane? Between all the responsibilities we have in life today, combined with the incessant stream of information some worthwhile, some nonsensical, coming our way and then our own journey of personal development and growth, it is a surprise that any of us are sane.   One of the ways to liberate ourselves from this craziness is to be clear about what is in our ability to control and change and what is out of our control. When we have that...

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May 08 2019

A Lesson in Perspective

The teachings are fundamental to the Jewish thought and the guidance of the Baal Shem Tov; sometimes things are not appreciated until we are looking in the rearview mirror.   In a recent interview with Rabbi Goldstein on "MyLife Chasidus Applied" some things he shared carried this message in a fashion that gave me a new perspective on these ideas. I'd like to share.   Rabbi Goldstein shared how as a young child growing up in Crown Heights he began to slowly appreciate the greatness of the Rebbe. He had a childish competition with...

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May 01 2019

Enough is Enough

As the week winds down and we prepare for Shabbos, we breathe out the challenges of the week and breathe in fresh resources for the week ahead. We breathe out the difficulty of the hurdles we jumped over this week and breathe in a prayer for an easier journey next week.   This week, as a Jewish People we have a lot of breathing out and a lot of breathing in to do. So many painful thoughts and feelings and at the same time so many thoughts and feelings of empowerment experienced...

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Apr 02 2019

Qualifications of a good marriage counselor and some marriage advice

Turn it over and turn it over because everything is there - Mishna Ethics of our Fathers   This week's Torah portion tells us how to find a good marriage counselor.   (BTW this advice can be used for any meaningful relationship.)   In this week's Torah portion we are introduced to the laws of Tzaras. Tzaras was an affliction that may have appeared to look like leprosy but it was a spiritual skin discoloration intended to be a wake up call.   The Torah has a number of requirements for diagnosing this ailment. Here are some of...

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Mar 06 2019

Wear your Judaism on your sleeve or Plastic Wrapped Kosher Dinner?

I try to get out to community events to show my support for various causes. Occasionally, the food served is not kosher and at those times a special meal is ordered that is strictly kosher.   While everyone is digging into their non kosher chicken or steak, I'm trying to tear open the plastic for my Challah Roll and the packaging on the salad dressing.   I wonder sometimes if I'm better off just sitting there without eating altogether.   ***   In the Megillah of Purim, in a few weeks we read of the feast that the...

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Feb 20 2019

Parenting Lessons from the Golden Calf

This Sunday we had the honor of hosting Amy Speidel a Conscious Discipline trainer. She was hilarious and true to Art Imitates Life. Totally non judgmental, she captured the joys and oys of parenting.   One of the funniest things she did all night was a routine where she demonstrates how parents are often so hard on themselves that they don't allow themselves to correct course. She imitated a parent going in for the finger wagging and anger kill when in middle they realize that they've lost it. At that point they...

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Feb 13 2019

Noisy Pomegranates

The Emmy's have passed and the Oscars are coming up. Once again everybody is preoccupied with the clothing that the actresses and actors (ok not the actors) are wearing as they walk the red carpet.   Long ago, Hashem instructed the Jewish People to build the portable temple that accompanied them in the desert. At that time He also instructed the Priests, the Kohanim to have an exclusive wardrobe to wear during their service.   Among the garments was a long apron that had at the end of it golden pomegranates. Next to these...

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Feb 05 2019

Is Truth Arbitrary?

(This is a thought on last week's Torah portion that I've been working on and I wanted to share with you.)   I won't keep you in suspense, the answer is yes. Well kind of.   Let me explain. Fundamentally the common mindset; "what is your truth", ie. that truth is whatever you make it to be is not correct or accurate according to Torah.   However, to my knowledge there is no Mitzvah to "tell the truth". (Please correct me if you know otherwise.) There is a Mitzvah "midvar sheker tirchak - distance yourself from...

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