

Jun 26 2019

The Moses Affect

How many things need to go right for us to wake up in the morning? How many things need to go right for us to make it safely to work? How many things need to go right for us to be successful at our endeavors?   Where indeed do we draw the power to navigate life successfully, to live a spiritually purposeful and connect life?   ***   We are introduced to a profound idea from this week's Torah portion. The Jews approach Moses asking to send spies into Israel to see if they will be able to...

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Jun 20 2018

The Kings Road

This Shabbos is sandwiched between two very important days on the Chabad calendar. The 3rd of Tammuz - the anniversary of the passing of the Rebbe and the 12/13th of Tammuz - the anniversary of the liberation from the sentences of death and exile of the previous Rebbe from Soviet Prison.   As mentioned in last week's article (Korach in Time) there are energies associated with the days of the Jewish calendar and the events that transpired on them.   The energy of these two days and these two great Jewish leaders is captured...

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Jun 29 2017

A False World

In this week's Torah portion we read of the passing of Aaron the High Priest - Kohen Gadol. It says that all the People mourned him for 30 days. The reason for this our Sages say is that Aaron was lover of peace and a pursuer of peace.   The Kabbalah tells us that the world is a "false world". What you see is almost never what you get. There is always something else beneath the surface.     This reality of our world makes the ideal of truth a hard one to live by. Try matching truth...

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Jul 06 2016

The Rebbe

During the last farbrengen of Pesach, 5726/1965, in between the Rebbe's talks, as the Chasidim engaged in song, the Rebbe pointed towards a small 11 year old boy sitting at the end of a table at the other end of the hall. The Rebbe gestured towards him with four fingers, as if to ask if he had drunk four cups of wine. At first, no one understood who the Rebbe was gesturing towards until they realized that he meant this particular boy. The next talk, then continued.   During the interval before...

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Jul 22 2015

Come Out of Your Hiding Place

A full three weeks of our year-the three weeks "between the strictures" of Tammuz 17 (July 4) and Av 9 (July 26)- are designated as a time of mourning over the destruction of the Holy Temple and the resultant galut-physical exile and spiritual displacement-in which we still find ourselves. Read more at   We all yearn and pine for our parents approval, their love and validation. Ask anybody who was born and they’ll tell you about some issue they have with their mother or father. “My mother didn’t express her love...

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Jul 08 2015

Sweetening the Bitterness

Next Friday is the first day of the 9 days, the period in which the Bais Hamikdash, the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, itself was breached and the fighting intensified and destruction was imminent.   The following Shabbos is the 9th of Av, the day we commemorate the destruction of the Bais Hamikdash.   All in all this is the time of the year known as the three weeks, the saddest period on the Jewish Calendar.   In a regular year the first day of this three week period (the 17th of Tammuz) and the last day...

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