

Feb 21 2018

Oh, That’s Cold! Part 1

I love studying really practical discourses! This one was about Purim and Haman's origins from Amalek.   There are many explanations about Amalek, his intentions and complexities, but this one was original.   Amalek is classified in the Talmud “as knowing his Master and intentionally rebelling against Him”. This begs the question, if Amalek knows his Master (G-d) and witnessed the miracles of the Jewish People (in Egypt and in other times) then how could he intentionally rebel against G-d?   When someone doesn’t know when their intentions are not founded on anything substantive. But if...

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Jan 30 2018

Her or Derher

“I’m listening, I can tell you exactly what you said”, said every husband to wife.   In Yeshiva, sometimes when dozing off in shiur (class) or being preoccupied with some other nonsense the Rabbi would say “du herzt” which means do you hear?   The answer would be as above, “of course, I can tell you exactly what you said”. The Rabbi would proceed to ask “du herzt tzi du derherzt”, are you listening or are your internalizing.   Both words mean to hear but one is to internalize and the other is simply to use...

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Jan 21 2016

The Chuckler

Have you ever had this experience? You are engaged in a discussion with some friends, and you make what you think to be a really good point. But, instead of arguing the point, one of the conversationalists chuckles. The kind of chuckle that discounts what you just said and casts a doubt in all the other conversation participants as to whether you have anything further to contribute to the discussion.   Do you ever have a voice inside of you that chuckles at you? A chuckle that discounts your seriousness or interest...

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