
Author:Rabbi Schusterman

Sep 30 2015

Get out of your head

In a recent interview with Rabbi David Eliezrie, author of "The Secret of Chabad, Inside the world's most successful Jewish movement", talk-show host Dennis Prager offered the following; "I believe that one of your secrets to success is that all of your rabbi's around the world radiate a joy. and I believe that happy religious people are the greatest argument for religion."   We are entering into the tail end of the holiday season, Shmini Atzeret and the grand finale - SIMCHAT TORAH!   I have a cousin who's grandfather was a Rabbi, a...

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Sep 21 2015

Sukkos Joy

We prayed we fasted let's party!   Sukkot joy is quite profound. Yes it surely has the human dimension of the rebound after the intense Days of Awe. But it's more than that.   The other night one of the twins was not feeling well and after expressing herself (pun intended) went running to her mother for an embrace. It was that embrace that brought her comfort in her pain.   Why is it that when we hug or get hugged we provide or are provided comfort and security?   It is precisely because there isn't a rational answer...

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Sep 17 2015

Are you sorry? or Are you sorry?

I am sorry that that I hurt you. I am sorry that I hurt you.   During this season we focus on our relationship with G-d. We focus on contemplating how great G-d is, how small we are and how unbelievable fortuante we are that G-d chose to put us on this earth and give us an opportunity to serve Him. How unbelievably humbling!   With this thought in mind we can turn our attention to our shortcomings. If G-d is so great, and He chose to put us on this earth anyway and...

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Sep 07 2015

Just Do It

You’ve seen the ad everywhere.  Just Do It! But what is the “it” that you are supposed to “Just Do!”?   This was one of those existential questions that troubled me until I saw this ad and I knew the answer.   Too often we see the High Holidays as a big drag.  When we are “doing” the High Holidays that way  it is so unpleasant, it’s something we have to do either because we live with Jewish guilt or some fear of punishment or some other phobia that we may possess.   This year Just...

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Sep 01 2015

Tuning in

I had one of those unique encounters that left me thinking the other day.  It was at a wedding during the pre-reception reception.  The Shmoozing time.  Anyway, the brides grandparents were introduced to me and we got to schmoozing.  Bubby who had heard about Chabad Intown wanted to know who supports us.  So I told her with a smile that G-d provides for us.  With that she and her husband both at the same time – she to me and he to the people standing to my side – launched...

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Aug 26 2015

Pick your battles

Sometimes you start the fight, sometimes you respond to it and sometimes you walk away from it.   Sometimes it’s justified to respond to it, sometimes it’s your obligation to respond to it, sometimes you need to walk away from it and then there are those who just like a good fight.   And then you have the cowards who don’t fight because they don’t have the backbone to stand up for anything not because they are truly above it.   (What kind of person are you?)   In all instances there are consequences. Not all consequences are...

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Aug 20 2015

Be a leader; and start with yourself!

What is leadership really? If you do a google search you'll find endless inspiring quotes about leadership. What they have in common is that they refer to the humility of the leader and how they lead by example. They are also all about how the leader connects to the people that he/she leads or is a leader for.   True leadership starts at home, in the "small world" of ourselves. Even the humble leader finds it easier to lead for others than to lead himself.   "Who is strong? He who conquers his inclination."...

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Aug 13 2015

Stream of Consciousness on the High Holiday Season

This Shabbos and Sunday the High Holiday season begins. Rosh Hashanah will be in one month and that means we begin to blow the Shofar this Sunday. Tis the season!   So let’s summarize this year. What did you discover about yourself, about your life? What changes did you incorporate into your world? What relationships were enhanced? Which were damaged? How is next year going to be different?   These are the very uncomfortable questions a good friend asked me yesterday. I thought first about telling him to jump into the lake at Piedmont...

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Aug 06 2015

Don’t lose your soul!

Yep, the roller coaster of life. Stuff comes our way every now and then. Sometimes they blow over, you pull through, you move on. Sometimes the issues are intense and they consume you and when the dust settles you are forever changed.   How we change or in what manner we change is the point of this article.   Innocence is that part of us that would like to believe that our pure perception of the world is holy and sacred and that it will always be that way. When the realities of life...

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Jul 29 2015

Go ahead laugh at your circumstances!

Do you ever find yourself in a really tough situation and suddenly you sit back and laugh? I didn’t think so. It’s not a common occurrence. But, maybe it’s a practice we ought to adopt. Try this; the next time things are really going rough, you are frustrated with G-d that He is putting you through a seemingly overpowering challenge; you are ready to pull the hair out of your head… Now, sit back with a cup of cold lemonade in your hand, and LAUGH! Laugh at the situation, laugh...

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