
Author:Chabad Intown

Jan 17 2018

It’s That Time of the Year – Resolutions

Have you paid attention to your inbox (digital and mail)? Are you getting those January solicitations to join the gym? Try out the newest diet? Join a new business coaching program?   January is a milestone in time; the end of one year, the start of a new one. People reflect on things they wished they had accomplished, feel guilty about the midline bulge and resolve that "this year" it's going to be different. Hence, the capitalization of your emotional roller coaster by the companies of the world.   So when is a resolution...

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Jan 10 2018

It’s time to warm up!

The weather across the country has been freezing! It's time for a thaw.   Maybe that's why in this week's Torah portion the Frogs jump into the ovens?! In plague #2 against Pharaoh and his People, Frogs, an amphibious creature, jumps into the Egyptian ovens as an act of sacrifice.   In the plague #1, the cold Egyptian water turns to blood.   We have the cold turning warm and the cold putting out the fires.   Sometimes in life when we are cold we ought to warm up. This is true when we are cold to things...

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Jan 03 2018

Fiery Ears

I recently heard this nice thought; "listen and silent have the same letters". I'm not sure who is the author of this statement but it surely reflects two approaches in how we relate to others.   Some peoples silence is a simple tactic to get the other person to finish talking so they can fully have the stage when it is their turn to respond.   For others, they are actually listening, taking in what the other person is saying trying to internalize and relate or at best sympathize.   *** In this week's Torah portion, Moses...

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Dec 13 2017

Fight, Flight or Fly Higher

How do we react to challenge? Do we fight back or do we run away?   Back in the day when there was ongoing blatant anti-semitism, Jews needed to fortify themselves to maintain their identity so by and large we fought back. Not always with guns and swords but with greater resolve to be faithful to G-d and Judaism. Of course there were those who ran away and attempted to assimilate so as not to "stand out".   Although today there surely is anti-semitism but by and large the world is a much more...

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Dec 06 2017

Good Looks

This week's email is dedicated to my father in honor of his 70th Birthday celebrated this week, with wishes for long life, good health and nachas from all his children and grandchildren!   The bond between parent and child is profound and unique. When children are young, a parent experiences intense physical love for their child.   When children grow into young’uns the intense love may evolve into appreciation for the uniqueness of the child; their smarts, their talents, etc.   When they are teenagers…well, it reminds me of the line from Rabbi Bernhard from South...

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Nov 29 2017

Patience is a Virtue

I can tell you it is not a virtue that I have naturally or that I have mastered. It is though something I strive for :-).   Some people are just more patient, they are "gelasin" that's a yiddish word for even-keeled. It sounds better in Yiddish. Others are "farhitzed" also a yiddish word, that means cooked or shvitzed (oy vey with these yiddish words). They can't sit still and need it to happen now! They need the next challenge, next opportunity!   The fact is that both are necessary qualities at various times...

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Nov 22 2017

Stay in Your Lane!

Much of life is analogous to a road or journey. As the traveler, we move along, sometimes fast—sometimes slow, as we trek this thing called life. Perhaps some see it as Ralph Waldo Emerson did: “life is about the journey, not the destination.”   Educating children is also compared to a journey, according to the teachings of Proverbs. l’naar al pi darko: “Educate a child according to his/her way, so that even when he grows old he will not turn away from it.”   “Way” indicates a pathway. A road. A journey. This...

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Nov 15 2017

Tired? Dig a well.

Do you ever feel completely depleted? You know those days or weeks where it just doesn't stop and then you pause at a given moment and realize that you've been running on fumes. You think to yourself, "I just can't go on, I don't know how I'm going to find another ounce of stamina to move forward".   Sometimes, this happens physically and often it happens spiritually. The spiritual engine seems to have idled and it looks like there is no more gas. Funny sounds are coming from places where sounds shouldn't...

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Nov 08 2017

Servitude is the Greatest Liberation

Do you ever want to take a break from yourself? A break from thinking? A break from feeling? The more sensitive and in touch you are, the smarter you are, the greater the desire to take a break, to greater the need to just still the mind.   Yoga, mindfulness meditation and regular meditation are all helpful to this end. But imagine living the paradox, where you feel and think and still experience peace of mind and heart?!   Meditate on that for a bit :-)!   There is help and it comes from an unlikely Biblical figure...

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