
Author:Chabad Intown

Jul 03 2018

Israel 2018 – Why Israel?

The Torah told us 3300 years ago that we are the smallest among the nations. Not much has changed in that regard since then. And as the Jewish People have faced anti-semitism we continue to do so today.   There are many important organizations engaged in Israel advocacy from political (AIPAC) to experiential (Birthright) to religious (many Yeshiva recruiters). All of them are focused on the "how". Underlying every how must be a why for the cause to be sustainable. As Victor Frankl famously said "those who have a why to live...

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Jun 27 2018

Getting Down and Dirty

Summer is a nice time to slow down just a little bit. With the big kids away at sleep away camp, the little ones at day camp and the weather in the morning most days here in Atlanta being just right, I like to enjoy a cup of coffee with Dena on our front porch.   This Monday as we were sitting there the garbage truck pulled up and the garbage men in full shvitz were going about their work with a skip in their step. We both marvelled at the dedication...

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Jun 20 2018

The Kings Road

This Shabbos is sandwiched between two very important days on the Chabad calendar. The 3rd of Tammuz - the anniversary of the passing of the Rebbe and the 12/13th of Tammuz - the anniversary of the liberation from the sentences of death and exile of the previous Rebbe from Soviet Prison.   As mentioned in last week's article (Korach in Time) there are energies associated with the days of the Jewish calendar and the events that transpired on them.   The energy of these two days and these two great Jewish leaders is captured...

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Jun 13 2018

Korach in Time

The mutiny of Korach in our Torah portion is classified as the model quarrel of our tradition. What was Korach's quarrel is the basis of great discussions worth exploring here.   In this article I want to capture a basic aspect of his quarrel and derive a practical message for this Shabbos. I hope you'll read to the end and capitalize on the unique spiritual energy available to you this Shabbos.   Korach, who belonged to the Levite family, challenged the appointment of Aaron to the position of High Priest. He argued that the...

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Jun 07 2018

Spying for Truth!

What is reality? Is there a real truth?   The 12 leaders of the tribes go into the Land of Israel to report back on the land; it’s climate, crops, fortifications etc. 10 of them come back with a negative pessimistic view “we were like grasshoppers in our eyes and so we were in theirs. We can’t conquer it.” Two of them come back and say “the Land is exceedingly good!”   Which one is it? Which is the truth?   In fact there is a truth, one singular truth. Truth is that which is everlasting...

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May 30 2018

Independent Times

Perhaps more than any other time in history we live in the era of the individual. Old norms, old structures are being replaced without revolutions. Regular folk making decisions on how they can disrupt industries are succeeding and the world is changing with it.   If you are an old folk, you may want to get with the program so you aren't left behind.   If you are a young folk, while it is certainly commendable the changes you are making, it's important to plug in and anchor the changes in some of the...

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May 23 2018

Rose Colored Glasses

Have you ever gone through a challenging time in your life (who hasn't!?)? I have. And a common refrain that I'd hear (in my head or in someones voice) is that someone else has it a lot worse than you.   It reminded me of the saying in Hayom Yom that in material matters look towards those that have less than you and in spiritual matters look towards those that are on a higher spiritual plane.   I always understood this message as an ideal way of developing a healthy perspective on life; as...

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May 16 2018

The Forgotten Most Important Holiday

Matzah, Shofar, Sukkah, Fasting, Menorah, Graggers – these conjure up warm fuzzies about our Jewish connection. They remind us of those special times during the year when we sit around the table with our family and friends and celebrate our Judaism.   But there is one holiday that seems to fall through the crack and there is an element to this holiday that makes it more important than all the other holidays.   Relationships: There are two types of relationships; there is the pleasure relationship and the compelling relationship. Pleasure relationships are those relationships that...

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May 09 2018

Farming the Future

When we were your age we used to walk up hill to school - both ways! Adults are always bemoaning the good old days. The way it used to be was better, people were more polite, more respectful, more this and more that.   This phenomena has been around for generations.   It can potentially affect our collective generational self esteem. How can we do something if we are less than them? If we are not as good as them?   In the opening of the first of this week's two Torah portions we read about...

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May 02 2018

The Sign on the Beltline

The joys and oys of life dominate our minds and hearts. Life is filled with challenges; at work, at home, with family, with friends, with finances, and with health.   Life is also filled with happy times; births, birthday milestones, graduations, little accomplishments, first bike, big accomplishments, first promotion, weddings, vacations, good books, and the list goes on.   Often times it seems that this is the way life is. In fact, we may come to believe that if we just accept that life has ups and downs, you win some and you lose...

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