
Author:Chabad Intown

Sep 12 2018

A forgiving Shabbos

Some people are passive, others are aggressive. Yet others are passive aggressive. Some people are hard on themselves, easy on others. Hard on others, easy on themselves. The hard on themselves people are pushing themselves constantly and are very unforgiving for their shortcomings. The easy people seem to float through life. They don't seem to internalize any of it.   In just a few days the holy day of Atonement, the day of Yom Kippur will be upon us. Each year between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur we have a Shabbos. Shabbos possess a...

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Sep 06 2018

A Rosh Hashanah Suggestion

Next week we'll celebrate Rosh Hashanah. Rosh Hashanah commemorates the creation of mankind. Beginning with Adam and Eve and setting in motion all of world history.   The opening verses of the Torah comprise what our Sages call "The Ten Utterances". These are the ten sayings with which G-d created the world.   Even though we can't literally create worlds with our speech, but the fact that G-d's speech has that power, indicates to us the importance of speech.   This is even more powerful on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur when we offer words of...

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Aug 29 2018

Tradition, Tradition!

The traditions that stand out most on Rosh Hashanah include the sound of the Shofar and the Apples in Honey. Another well known but perhaps not as popular is eating a new fruit on the second evening of Rosh Hashanah. What is the meaning behind these traditions? Today I'll focus on the new fruit.   New Fruit - The technical. It is a tradition on the second evening of Rosh Hashanah after the Kiddush is recited to make a blessing of Shechiyanu (renewal) on a fruit that one hasn't eaten in 12...

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Aug 23 2018

Apples n’ Honey   Rosh Hashanah touches on the various senses. For some it is the taste of Apples and Honey. For others it is the smell of the Rosh Hashanah Brisket. For others it is the touch of the Machzor, the High Holiday prayer book. For some it is the sound of the Rabbi’s sermon or the sounds of Shofar.   This week I’m going to focus on some prayers and traditions leading up to Rosh Hashanah. In the remaining weeks until Rosh Hashanah, I’ll share some insight into the foods we eat, the Shofar...

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Aug 15 2018

Happy Renewed Year

Happy birthday world. The world will be 5779 years old this Rosh Hashanah. (To be precise, that takes place on the 25th of Elul. Rosh Hashanah is the sixth day of Creation, the day Adam and Eve were created. That will be the subject of another article.)   What is the opposite of old? When we think in terms of people and their birthdays we think the opposite of old is young. When we think of things or perhaps to our topic we can see that the real opposite of old is...

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Aug 07 2018

Preparation of Love

This Shabbos is Rosh Chodesh Elul. It is the last day of the month of Av and Sunday will be the first day of Elul.   Elul is the month of preparation for Rosh Hashanah and the New Year.   In preparation for Rosh Hashanah, I would like to explore ideas connected to the High Holiday season. I’d like to journey beyond the apples and honey, beyond the fasting of Yom Kippur and the flag waving on Simchas Torah.   Let’s start this week with Rosh Hashanah.   What is it really that we are doing on Rosh...

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Aug 02 2018

Forgive Yourself – Accept Yourself

Maybe I’m projecting, but I notice people around me that overall seem happy. They seem like easy going people, but, they also seem to be carrying a lot around with them. And I’m not talking about a few extra pounds. There seems to be a package of sorts (or peckel in Yiddish) of troubles, anxiety, a burden, a weight.   Come to think of it, there are very few people who don’t carry a package around. It could be someone in their lives today that is their package. It could be something...

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Jul 18 2018

Israel 2018 and Beyond

In recent articles we've established the roots of Israel in the Torah and presented its centrality to Jewish tradition and faith. It is because of these, the "why" of Israel, that Israel and the Beit Hamikdash, the Temples in Jerusalem, occupy such a significant part of Jewish life and liturgy.   This is also the reason why the destruction of Jerusalem, commemorated these weeks and culminating with Tisha B'av, this Shabbos/Sunday are such intensely sad days. It's not the stones we mourn but the exile that the destruction brought to the world...

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Jul 11 2018

Israel 2448*

In last week's article we established that from the beginning of time, from the opening verse in the Torah, the Land of Israel plays a central role in our tradition and everything Jewish.   In this week's article I want to address why that is.   ***   For a moment let's establish what it is not.   Israel is not a place for Jews to call their own homeland. Nor is Israel a place where we can run to when the rest of the world doesn't want us. Israel is also not a place revolving around the...

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