
Author:Chabad Intown

Nov 22 2018

We’re Here For You!

This past week we lost another beautiful soul to the addiction epidemic. Another pointless loss. Another possibly avoidable loss.   What struck me was how many of us didn't know that our friend Jeff/Moshe was in recovery for over two years - the same two years he had been coming to Chabad Intown. Yet at the same time, he had a world of people who had influenced him and whom he had influenced that we didn't know existed.   We've speculated about his reasons for not sharing his other world with us at Chabad...

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Nov 14 2018

Saying Goodbye/Hello to Holy Spaces

Holiness is eternal. That is because holiness is an extension of Hashem who is eternal.   What of the physical spaces that become home to Hashem and holiness?   This Shabbos we bid farewell to the Chabad Intown building that has served this community for the past 18 years. The building has been sold and it's time to move out. We are moving upwards to larger and more impactful spaces on the BeltLine.   What of the holiness of the space?   The Talmud talks about the terms under which one is allowed to sell an object of...

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Nov 07 2018

Are We Really So Different?

That which the heart doesn’t allow for, time allows for. This Hebrew saying – which flows much more nicely in Hebrew – captures the feelings many of us have almost two weeks out from the Pittsburgh massacres.   The deep rooted pain, anger, disbelief, fear subsides and we are able to go about our days without being consumed by those horrific events.   For the families and Pittsburgh community, it will take more time, but they too in time will feel the pain subside. This ability for the acute emotional pain, is a gift...

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Oct 31 2018

Tears In Heaven

People have called me to cry, and get guidance about this week’s massacre in Pittsburgh. I don’t have a clue about G-d and His ways, but if I had to imagine how things look in heaven, they might look something like this.   ***   I am standing behind a white curtain, that is shielding an incredibly bright light. So bright, that while the curtain is blocking the direct impact, I can still feel the reverberations of the energy from behind that curtain. I can feel the heat of the light. It is so...

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Oct 24 2018

The Language of Torah

G-d approaches Abraham after his bris and presents the pending destruction of Sodom and Gemorah to him. "And the Lord said, "Shall I conceal from Abraham what I am doing?" After all, I am going to make him into a great nation and this land I will give to his inheritors. How can I destroy it without letting him know.   (Indeed, a fascinating defense motion is put into place by Abraham who argues for salvation for the people of Sodom and Gemorah with the hope that there are some righteous people...

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Oct 16 2018

It’s Really Absurd

More than the Jews have kept the Mitzvot, the Mitzvot have kept the Jew! - A wise person   One of the Mitzvot that Jews have observed even when they weren't observing other Mitzvot is the Mitzvah of Bris Milah - Circumcision. Often times even at great sacrifice and risk to themselves eg. click here.   Why indeed is this Mitzvah something that until today, Jews who may not keep kosher, Shabbat or go to shul will still make sure to have their children brissed?   The answer lies in the word Bris. Often it is translated...

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Oct 10 2018

Raging Waters/Hurricane Michael

I was wondering why this week's Torah portion tells the story of Noah in such great detail (5 plus sections of the Parsha), while the story of creation is told in just a few verses (one plus section).   Although the following conclusion is not based on a particular source, the main point is taught extensively in mystical teachings.   Perhaps the reason for this disparity is that creation represents arrival into this world which is an important event to be sure, but one that takes up a mere fraction of our lives. On...

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Oct 04 2018


It's been 55 days and counting for this High Holiday season. It starts with the first day of the month of Elul, when we begin to blow the Shofar and culminates with Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan (next Tuesday) when we resume saying the daily prayers of Tachnun (prayers of supplication that we don't say beginning the day after Yom Kippur in keeping the joyous spirit of the holidays that follow).   As the season comes to an end and the High of Simchas Torah wears off :-) the reality sets in. No more...

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Sep 27 2018

What’s With All the Dancing?!

Tis the season to be dancing! It's Simchas Torah. Sunday night in Israel they'll be dancing. In the Diaspora we dance on Sunday night in solidarity with Israel. Monday night we'll dance again for Simchas Torah and in Israel they'll dance Hakafot Shniyot (post holiday in solidarity with us). Then on Tuesday we'll close it out with day time dancing and closing out the reading of the Torah.   Lots of dancing.   In Chabad with the Rebbe, the dancing of the solidarity wasn't symbolic, it was full on. Dancing hours on end. Simchas...

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Sep 21 2018

The Divine Embrace

From this week's Torah Portion. [Moses said that G-d would say,] "They are children who [act] uneducated."   By referring to us as his children, G-d let it be known that he would never sever his relationship with us, and that we can never sever our relationship with Him – just as parents can ever separate themselves from their children, and children can ever separate themselves from their parents. The relationship between parents and their children is so essential, so strong, that no matter how seriously it may be tested, in the final...

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