
Author:Chabad Intown

Oct 29 2015

Get out of the way and let G-d in!

Has G-d ever spoken to you? Have you ever seen G-d? Phew. I was going to have to be more careful around you.   Seriously though, have you ever seen the how G-d helped you out of a situation? Isn't that a form of G-d speaking to you?   Have you ever driven up to the GA mountains this time of year and seen the beauty of the Fall? The endless colors of leaves? Isn't that a form of seeing G-d?   The opening of this weeks Portion we see Abraham in conversation with G-d when the...

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Oct 20 2015


  The Rebbe my father told someone at yechidus: Ever since G-d told our father Avraham, "Go from your land etc." and it is then written "Avram kept travelling southward," we have the beginning of the mystery of birurim. By decree of Divine Providence man goes about his travels to the place where the "sparks" that he must purify await their redemption.   Tzadikim, who have vision, see where their birurim await them and go there deliberately. As for ordinary folk, The Cause of all causes and the Prime Mover brings about various...

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Oct 14 2015

Do you want to climb into the ark?

So how does this play out? Israel will flex its muscles, get the situation under control, the UN will condemn Israel, the US will play politics, the families who have murdered children or spouses will be left to their pain and longing for years to come, many of those wounded will suffer from their wounds for months, years and others for the rest of their lives, and where will you and I be?   It is tempting to say a prayer and hope this all blows over quickly. It is tempting to...

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Oct 04 2015

Love Sukkot in Atlanta

Get a Free Lulav and Etrog, Part of a Year-Long Celebration Chabad center spearheads a campaign of Jewish learning and living for 18th anniversary By Mindy Rubenstein   As the saying goes, “There is no such thing as a free lunch.” Maybe so, but this year in Atlanta, there are such things as free lulavim and etrogim.   Rabbi Eliyahu Schusterman, co-director of Chabad Intown with his wife, Dena, is spearheading a new campaign this Sukkot to offer these holiday necessities to the community without a charge.   “It’s been creating quite the buzz!” attests Rabbi Ari Sollish,...

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