
Author:Chabad Intown

May 29 2019

Is Jewish Law Too Rigid?

It's a big book of 613 commandments. It's codified in Maimonides 14 books of his magnum opus. It has responsa stretching from here to there. Why so many laws? Couldn't we all just get along?!   You'll pardon my bluntness but things are just not working out today with all the political correctness, touchy feely stuff and anything goes approach. Don't get me wrong, I think in the end it will all work out and we'll be better for it. But, out of the gate, it just isn't working.   Eventually, the people who...

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May 22 2019

Vacation Time!

Tis the season for vacation. School is closing up, graduations are wrapping up, summer trips are starting, kids are beginning camp, and the beaches, mountains and other destinations are calling.   Like most things in life, vacations can be anxiety inducing. Nuf said? (BTW with kids it's called "a break", without kids it's called a "vacation") And like most things in life, besides the cognitive therapy methods there is a core faith-based solution.   I speak specifically of the stress that many (men?) have justifying taking off work and being present for their spouses or children...

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May 15 2019

Do you Feel Like a Hamster on a Wheel?

Do you feel like a hamster on a wheel trying to keep sane? Between all the responsibilities we have in life today, combined with the incessant stream of information some worthwhile, some nonsensical, coming our way and then our own journey of personal development and growth, it is a surprise that any of us are sane.   One of the ways to liberate ourselves from this craziness is to be clear about what is in our ability to control and change and what is out of our control. When we have that...

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May 08 2019

A Lesson in Perspective

The teachings are fundamental to the Jewish thought and the guidance of the Baal Shem Tov; sometimes things are not appreciated until we are looking in the rearview mirror.   In a recent interview with Rabbi Goldstein on "MyLife Chasidus Applied" some things he shared carried this message in a fashion that gave me a new perspective on these ideas. I'd like to share.   Rabbi Goldstein shared how as a young child growing up in Crown Heights he began to slowly appreciate the greatness of the Rebbe. He had a childish competition with...

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May 01 2019

Enough is Enough

As the week winds down and we prepare for Shabbos, we breathe out the challenges of the week and breathe in fresh resources for the week ahead. We breathe out the difficulty of the hurdles we jumped over this week and breathe in a prayer for an easier journey next week.   This week, as a Jewish People we have a lot of breathing out and a lot of breathing in to do. So many painful thoughts and feelings and at the same time so many thoughts and feelings of empowerment experienced...

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Apr 25 2019

The Messiah, a waiting game!

Matzah, Horseradish, Charoset, the holiday of Pesach is nearing the final stretch. According to Jewish tradition, during these intermediary days of the holiday we only do minimal work that is absolutely necessary. This year in particular we have been enjoying these days spending time with all the children and our new son-in-law.   The holiday is coming to an end and for us Chasdim, the end of Pesach has a dominant theme, the coming of Moshiach. Yup, I know what you are thinking, those Chabadniks are doing the Moshiach thing again. Are...

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Apr 19 2019

Passover; The Festival of Questions

Click here to download this week's article.   In each generation and each day one should see themselves as if they left Egypt – today!   Passover is all about liberation from the physical slavery of Egypt and the internal limitations that confine us, that hold us back from living fully, from living happily, from having deep relationships, from living freely without angst, tension and frustration. Yup it’s a life-long journey, but either get on the journey or stop complaining. To quote my new favorite leadership guru Brene Brown, “if you aren’t in the...

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Apr 11 2019

The Blessed Affliction

Was today a good day or bad day? Did good things happen or did bad things happen? And in fact were they really bad? Do you have the perspective of time?   Jewish thought teaches that since the sin of Adam and Eve there is nothing that is entirely bad and nothing that is entirely good. Each has some of the other. It is up to us to find the good in the bad.   A powerful example of this is in this week's Parsha.   The Torah continues its discussion of the affliction of Tzaraas,...

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Apr 02 2019

Qualifications of a good marriage counselor and some marriage advice

Turn it over and turn it over because everything is there - Mishna Ethics of our Fathers   This week's Torah portion tells us how to find a good marriage counselor.   (BTW this advice can be used for any meaningful relationship.)   In this week's Torah portion we are introduced to the laws of Tzaras. Tzaras was an affliction that may have appeared to look like leprosy but it was a spiritual skin discoloration intended to be a wake up call.   The Torah has a number of requirements for diagnosing this ailment. Here are some of...

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Mar 27 2019

Don’t Ride the Highs Too High…

(In honor of my daughter Shelbelle's wedding to Leivy Lapidus)   In this week's Parsha we read of the tragic passing of the two sons of Aaron. In the height of the dedication of the Mishkan, on the 8th day of celebration, the Torah tells us they entered with a strange fire, intoxicated and a fire came forth and consumed them and they died.   Moses tells Aaron that Nadav and Avihu, his two sons were holy and sanctified G-d's name. These two seemingly opposite messages as to whether this was a good thing...

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