
Author:Chabad Intown

Jan 12 2016

The Courage of Sacrifice

Inevitably in our lives we are faced with an opportunity to show courage. It could be courage at work, at home, in a relationship or in some quiet place that only you and G-d Almighty are aware of. When we have courage, real courage we are ready to achieve Freedom.   Freedom is a state of being where only the things you choose to put upon yourself hold you captive. The Jewish People at Sinai accepted G-d and the Torah when they said Naseh Vinishma – we will do and we will...

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Jan 08 2016

How do you know G-d?

What kind of relationship do you have with the Almighty? Relationship, you might ask? How do I, Mr. or Mrs. Human Being have a relationship with G-D?  He is Almighty and Infinite!   For starters let me assure you that you do have a relationship.  When something is not going right or when you see something amazing don’t you naturally exclaim “oh, my G-d”? Chasidic thought tell us that this natural reaction is an expression of the inherent relationship we have with Gd.  On a deeper level, inside each of us is...

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Dec 31 2015

Don’t stand by

I have always marveled at Judaism's compassion for the pain and suffering experienced by people.  The laws surrounding death, burial, shiva and the mourning period are sensitive to the phases of mourning and the laws surrounding it reflect that sensitivity.  Jewish philosophy and mysticism analyze suffering without giving Gd a pass but also not being overbearing on the sufferer.  One needs to delve into the teachings in order not to embrace the stereotypical perspective that the secular world has on "fundamentalist" religion.   One such example of this compassion is demonstrated by our first teacher,...

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Dec 18 2015

Like water reflects a face

What do you do when you have made a New Years Resolution to be really nice to people around you, but there is this one person who really gets to you? Like for example what happens if the guy is a king and he has just taken your brother (that you have pledged to your father that you would guard him with your life) as a slave.  Even more problematic is that this viceroy is one of the most powerful people in the world.  And finally, he seems to be...

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Dec 11 2015

Living Miraculously

The Talmud states that the "air of Israel makes one wise". As many things in life, this is most felt when one returns from Israel and contrasts life in the Diaspora that one appreciates the greatness of Israel.   Granted, the material life in these United States is hard to come by anywhere in the world. But the holiness of Israel and the miraculous life can't be experience anywhere else like it can be in Israel.   We celebrated the first two days of Chanukah just 2-3 miles from the very place where the...

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Dec 04 2015

Postcard from Israel II

I just returned from one of the most powerful places on the earth for me! It’s the end of an amazing week spent here in Israel the holy land. Besides the sheer enjoyment of spending this many days with my family away from real life (or is this real life?), this land always brings together the highest of the high and the most physical. Not with sending all of that, the city of Chevron, Hebron has a certain powerful energy that I have not felt anywhere in the land of Israel. Could...

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Nov 27 2015

Postcard from Israel

If you are my Facebook friend you know that I am in Israel with my family.  After dreaming about this trip for years, saving miles for a long time and planning this trip for a few years, it actually took about 8 hours longer to get here. But indeed that is the story of Israel. It all started after we settled in to the Atlanta airport, on time, well prepared and with 2 hours to go until the flight.  The announcement came over the speaker system that the boarding would be delayed...

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Nov 18 2015

What’s your name?

Hi my name is Josh, Mark, Rachel, Rebecca! Actually my name is Yehoshua, Moshe, Rochel and Rivkah!  And those are the easy ones.  Sometimes the names can be more dramatic; Dylan is Dovid, and Cindy is Shoshana.   The Torah goes to great lengths in this weeks Torah portion to tell us about the names of the leaders of the Tribes.  Reuven for G-d has seen "Reu" me in my suffering "en"-ee.  Or Gad for Gad - Mazal has come.  Or Asher for G-d has made me fortunate "Ashri". What's in a Jewish...

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Nov 11 2015

Like father like son

Every generation thinks that theirs is the most difficult one in which to raise good upstanding children. With the exposure today to all kinds of media, with access to substances of all kinds at the ready, it's no wonder that we are more consumed than ever with concern about the next generation. Part of what taints are concern is our own life experience and our own character and genetic make up.  We want our kids to be like the best of us.  When they don't seem to be going down that...

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Nov 04 2015

Do you have a window into the future?

Note: I wrote this article in 2007.  I chanced upon it this week while looking for an old document and thought that it's message was as relevant as ever.  So here it is.   What will the world look like in six years?   Do you have a window into the future?   Recently I celebrated my 34th birthday. To celebrate I came home early from work and went to the park with Dena and the kids.  We had dinner and cupcakes.  Later that night some friends came over for some L’chaim and introspection.  The other night...

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